Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Losing a friend

Breaking up with her was hard enough, but as the time passes I realize what the hardest part of all of it is, losing a best friend. She was the first person I wanted to talk to when I woke up, and the last person I wanted to talk to before I went to bed. Anything that happened in in my life; good, bad, funny, something small, something at work, etc..., I wanted to immediately tell her about it. Knowing that she was always there to listen to me, and knowing that she was always there for me is the biggest thing I will miss.
I do understand that she is probably thinking the same thing, and is probably going through the same things I am. I stare at my phone, I stare at my email, I stare at my g-chat, wanting to write or call her and then have to stop my self. When I am not wanting to write her and/or talk to her, I am hoping that I will get some sort of message from her. I know we shouldn't still talk, and we still cant be there for each other, but realistically it is all I want, even though I know it isn't the right thing to do.

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