Monday, October 13, 2008

Kellers wedding

Things you wont see in any pictures and most people wont hear about...

- Hall snuck into my hotel room and ordered gay porn and put it on all the tv's, knowing that people were going up there to late night
- Andrew Vona had his rental car for less then 30 minutes before he wrecked it
- Hotel bars close at 1230, but food delivers until 230 in the lobby
- Ryan seward played drums and Mike Keller sang at his own wedding for 2 songs
- we forgot to ask every guest we sat as ushers if they were in the bride's family or not.
- we didnt realize that until the 3 rows that were designated for that, were completely empty.
- The recpetion bar went through 8 bottles of Jack Daniels
- White people over the age of 60 are very very scared/intimated by my roomate
- Mike Keller not shaving for his wedding day because he shaved the day before

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