Wednesday, October 15, 2008


This is one skill I wish I had. I can cook a great meal like most people with a cookbook in front of me, and it will take me a good amount of time to make it. People like my roommate can come home and say I'm just going to throw together a pasta dish, and 25 minutes later we have a dish that would have probably taken me 45 minutes to make or longer. He sauteed zucchini and squash in the pan, while cooking the pasta and the sauce. He had peeled the shrimp and was steaming them also. He was also making salads and cutting up all types of other veggies to throw into the saute mix. He had the biscuits in the oven. This was a very simple dish for him, and took him no time and no thought at all. I want to be able to cook like that.
For him, cooking is fun and relaxing and something he really enjoys. I know how he feels, because I feel the same way about yardwork and gardening, which I know is weird, but every person has that thing that they like that is not the most normal. I want cooking to be another one of the things I have.

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