Thursday, October 16, 2008

Healthy Crap food

The new craze seems to be whole wheat pizza crust. I just don't get the point. To me, it is the same concept of the Chinese food menu having a weight watchers selection on the menu. I assume this all started when fast food places started selling fruit and salads. If you want to eat that way, you do; a person doesn't go to McDonald's to get an apple and a salad. When you go to order a pizza or eat Chinese, you know are you eating unhealthy, and you do it anyway. Getting a large pepperoni pizza with whole wheat crust is not considered a healthy meal. I understand that it may make you feel better in the short term to eat that, but be serious with yourself. This also holds true for people that go to get a salad to be healthy, and then put enough crap on the salad to make it more unhealthy then a real entree. Again, along the same lines as getting an extra value meal and getting a diet coke with it. I don't know why this bothers me so much, but sitting at work listening to people talk about there healthy pizza they had for lunch just got me thinking about this.

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