Thursday, December 23, 2010

Poinsetta Bowl and Hawaii Bowl

I will be away from a computer for both of these games. They both have interesting matchups.
The Poinsetta bowl has a triple option team navy against a team that has two nfl wr's on it in San Diego St. The game is played in San Diego where over 10k navy fans will be there due to the naval base next to it. The one condition that no one really knows about is the fact that the field has been under 3 inches of water the last two days and how will that affect the game.
You have to look at previous games this year. SDS stopped the option with AF and they played Utah in a monsoon and still had over 500 yards against them. I do think Navy runs the option way better then AF, but the problem is what happens if SDS goes up 2 td's. I dont think Navy can come back. I like SDS -3 in this game. The total I am scared of so I am laying off of it.

For the Hawaii bowl, you have two spread offenses that are allergic to defense. Hawaii is -10 and I am staying away from this line. Tulsa has the offense to win this game. Either way I will lay a large bet on the over of 73( up to 74 now at some places). If someone wins this game 35-31, then I will take the loss, but I see that being closer to the halftime score then the final score.

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