Saturday, April 4, 2009

Playing Poker

I like to play poker and I know I am good at it, but for me it is not all about the money. I know a lot of poker players that do it just for the money, and I do like the money part of it, but I get the same thrill from playing for nickels and dimes as I do when I win a 1000 pot. For me, it is about the interaction of the people, and me having the ability to just clear my head. No matter what I am doing in my life, I always have at least 10 different thoughts running through my head, and I am always worried and thinking about other things. When I am doing something I enjoy and that makes me happy, I still have thoughts running through my mind that may make me depressed or confused or things like that.
When I am playing poker, I have no other thoughts. For me, when I play poker, it is just me and the people there and the cards. It is the only thing I can do that makes me happy where I am not thinking about anything else. I love that feeling of being able to do something I enjoy, and just be happy being there, and not having a ton of other things running through my head.

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