Sunday, April 19, 2009

More reasons I am happy

I cant stop thinking about how much more happy I am, and i realize that I have cut back on things that I used to love. I realize now, that I really didn't love these things as much as I thought I did, and I was just forcing myself to love them, when in actuality I love many other things, and I love to be able to do what I want to enjoy my life. The first thing is my love of TV. I used to never want to miss certain shows, and I would always make plans around certain shows and things like that. In the last couple of months, I have still been recording shows, but I have not been watching nearly as much tv, and I am ok with it. I realize how much I was putting watching tv above everything else, and looking back I cant believe I was that stupid and that immature.

Another thing is my love of sports. I have always loved sports, but there are plenty of people that love sports, that didn't treat it the way I did. I used to put certain games or events ahead of everything else in life, and I missed out on so much. I messed up friendships and relationships bc I was so intro certain sports, that I didn't pay attention to having fun and enjoying my life. I still love sports, but now I am at the point where I am no longer ever going to put live sports or sports on tv ahead of my life and ahead of being able to have fun with someone. When I look back at how I used to be with regards to sports and tv, I just laugh at myself and realize what an idiot I was, and I am glad I am not like that anymore.

The final thing, is that I am single. I have not been truly single in a very, very long time. I like feeling this way, and I know that is also a big reason of why I am happy. The ironic thing is that I love being in a relationship with someone, and I love having that feeling of knowing that there is someone that cares for you and is always thinking about you, and they are there to listen to you, no matter what you have to say. The flip side of that, is I do like being single right now. I don't like it because I can now go out and flirt or hook up with anyone I want, I like it for what it enables me to do with my life. Being single has enabled me to truly find out more about myself and my life and what I really enjoy doing and what makes me happy. I am able to do whatever I want whenever I want, and I don't have responsibility for anyone else. I know this isn't directly related to being single, but being single does help. The other huge thing I started doing a couple months ago, which is really a help to me being happy is only doing things that I want to do, and not doing things just because someone else wants me to. I used to go to bars or go to certain events or do things that I didn't really want to do. I started only doing things that I want to do with my life and not letting other people dictate what I do.

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