Thursday, February 25, 2010


People always say that divorce rates are so high and that marriage doesn't work etc.. I find that so depressing and just overall not true. Yes, some marriages are not going to work, but if I take a look at the people in my life who are in that position or very close and compare it to the people who have been divorced, is is not even close. I will just look at all the weddings I have been to (26), people I know that are currently engaged (5)( congrats btw to Erin, Matt, Mondo, Bill, Bridget), and other friends of mine that I know who are married whose wedding I didn't go to(14) That is 45 people that I know that got married or are engaged, and out of that, 5 of them are divorced.

I think the people that are bitter towards marriage or say bad things about it or always quote high numbers of divorce, are just jealous or angry or there is something going on with them, where they need to just say bad things about things and people.

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