Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Friend with Benefits

I recently got asked if I wanted to seriously date and be with someone I actually like, or do I just want a friend with benefits. I think a lot of people if they are single right now, think about this a lot. As soon as I was asked, my answer was very easy and simple.

I am done with friends with benefit stuff, and I am done just meeting a girl just to fuck around with her. Living where I live, and living the life I do, it is easy to meet girls, its easy to hook up, and I am just over that. It sounds weird when I say that to myself, bc what guy doesn't love to hook up, but it just loses so much when it is just a random hook up or someone you don't really like that much.

I have to start thinking about what I really want out of my life and what I really want out of a girl, and I have realized that I am done with the random hook up, and I want someone I can date and like and enjoy being around.

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