Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The BAR exam

Today and tomorrow is the bar exam, and I am very curious how 2 specific people do on it. It just makes you think what money can do vs. not having the money.

The first person taking the test is a girl I know who is one of the smartest people I know and went to Law school and did great in law school and has studied very hard and done everything she can.

The other person is one of my guy friends, who was never good in law school, it took him a very long time to finish, he has never been good at studying etc., but he has spent thousands and thousands on pre-tests and study groups and done every single thing that money can buy to prepare for this test.

I am curious how being able to spend all that money for the practice tests and study groups will help compared to someone who couldn't do any of that and just had to study on her own at home.

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