Monday, March 8, 2010

Internet Dating

This is a very unique and touchy subject to certain people. When my gf first moved out of my house, I got online to try to meet new people. I guess I am sort of different then the typical person that goes online. I am very social and very outgoing and I never have a hard time meeting people and talking to people, getting numbers etc.. Then you start to realize that over time,you get sick of meeting the same people and same type of people in bars. You want to expand and try to meet people that you would never have met before. When you meet someone in a bar, you don't really get to know them, you just meet them in the dark while drunk etc.. Online dating is a great way to meet people that you would never meet if you didn't. I have no idea why people look down on it and/or view it in a negative way. When I hear people talk about it, it is in a whisper and they are afraid of being judged or something like that.

Every single person I know that has been or is currently using online dating is a great person, they are just really sick of meeting people in the same areas at the same places, and want to try something different. I have no idea what it is looked at in such a negative way. My guy friends that view it in a negative way, sort of view it as, it is so easy to go down the street and meet a girl at a bar, why do you have to go online? My answer to them was, yes it is pretty easy, but at the end of the day you want more then that, and you do not just want to meet girls at bars every night. If you are just looking for a quick hook up then that is fine, but overall meeting people at bars all the time just gets old.

In my experience, I met some pretty awesome girls, and I also met/talked to some truly crazy ones. I have a lot of friends that use online dating( 98% of them are girls) and we talk about it a lot, and one thing that always bothered me was that everyone writes the same sort of thing on their profile, they use pictures that could be from years ago etc.. My girlfriends that are online are always asking me, what type of stuff does a guy look for and what type of stuff does a guy want to see. I have no answer for them, because, in actuality all guys are different. Some are just looking to hook up, some are looking to date, some are looking just to meet people etc..

The point of all of this, is that I stopped it, but I do not regret it. I was thinking the other night that if I ever got back on, I would not be generic and have what every other single person ( guy and girl ) has on their profile, and I would be 100% honest about what I want and what I am looking for. The truth of the matter is that that 95% of the things that you read about profile are just put in there because that is what they think other people will want to read, and that totally defeats the purpose of going online to try to meet new people.

This is what I would put as my profile if I were ever to use online dating again, and in reality, this is the trust and this is what I am looking for in the girls I date...

I could sit here and write a profile about what type of person I am like and my interests, but as I have gathered from almost every profile on this web page( both guys and girls), they all mostly say the same thing and then once you meet the person, most of it seems to be a lie or at least heavily exaggerated.

Here is a little about me and a little bit of what I am looking for. I am sorry if this comes across blunt or rude, but I am a very open guy and if people are going to be actually read this, I want them to get a glimpse of the real me.

I am a very nice and friendly guy. I like to have fun. I enjoy my life, and every day I wake up I am happy or excited about something else, and sometimes just happy bc I have no idea where that day is going to take me( besides work etc.) I really can enjoy anything and at this point in my life I do. I like to go out and have a good time with my friends, I like to stay at home and watch tv( I am too embarrassed up front to tell you all of the cheesy, awful shows I watch ), I like to go on vacations, I like to take my dog anywhere outside. These are all things I like to, when I am dating someone, I would also like to be able to these things with them. When I am dating someone, I do not want to be out with my friends, I don’t want to be doing some of things I am doing now. I have a lot of friends, and I am very social. I do not have a problem meeting girls, but after living in federal hill for 3 years now( moving out shortly), I have met so many great people but also so many people whose only intention is to just party and get wasted and that is not what I am looking for in a girl. If you must know some things about me, I have a beagle who I love, I have a great group of friends, both guys and girls, that I love, I will always choose white wine over red, ravens over anyone, hokies over any college. I love all types of music and I am really open to trying anything at least once to see if I like it.

This leads me to what I am looking for in a women and in a girlfriend. This may sound random and all over the place, but I am just being open and honest. Obviously looks are important and so is sexual attraction, but that is far from everything. If you are going to base if you want to date someone off of a random picture online, you are just being very rude. I have friends that are on Match and I have gone out with people on here, and I can say that most people look different then the Match photos they choose to share. Obviously sexual attraction is important, but that is not something that is going to be discovered after 2 dates. What will be discovered is how you act around each other and can you make each other smile, and do you think about them when you are not with them. I want someone who has their own group of friends, I want someone that can go out and hang out with me and my friends and at the same time wouldn’t mind me being with her friends. At the same time, I want to be able to just stay in with her and be with her and not worry about what everyone else is doing. I want someone that I can work out with if we want, we can make dinner together, we could be lazy and order delivery, or we could go out and do something out of the house. The bottom line is I want the person I date to be someone that no matter what I am doing I want to be around her and I want to be thinking of her. I want to know that no matter what happens during the day, good or bad, no matter how small of a deal it is, that she is the first person I would call to tell about it and that she would want to hear about it and vice versa. That doesn’t mean we spend every second together, it means that what ever I make plans to do or vice versa, we want the other one there, unless it is something that is just meant for guys or for girls. At the end of the day, I want the person I am with to not only be my girlfriend but also my best friend.

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