Thursday, February 25, 2010


They say that you learn something new every day. I don't know if I fully believe that, but I do know that you every day your thought on something or your perception about something/someone does change. 2 days ago, I was in the car of one of my friends. We saw the guy on president street that has no real arms and no real legs, and is always out there begging for money. The person I was with stopped her car, rolled down her window and almost emptied her wallet out for this guy.
At first, I was a little shocked at first, and the said, I wish I could have given him more!!!!
She said " what an awful deal he has gotten". It made me think 2 different things. Seeing someone like that really puts in perspective that no matter how bad or shitty you think your life is at that moment, there are always other people that have it just as bad or worse. I know that sounds like a morbid thing to say, but I don't mean it like that.
I mean it like, it puts it into perspective when you hear people complain about something or you are sitting around being depressed, you have to think that things could be worse, and people that have it worse find ways to make it work, so people need to stop complaining about stupid, little things, and realize how good you have it.

It also made me realize, that some of my friends are truly good people, and every day someone does something that reminds me of that.

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