Monday, February 1, 2010

moving on from true love

This is one of the hardest things I will ever have to do in my life. The true love of my life( after months of back and forth with us) has let me know in a very mean and rude way that she is 10000000% done with me and never wants to talk to me or see me again, and for that matter doesn't even care what happens in my life.

Now I am left to date and meet new girls. The thing is, I know there are girls that like me, girls that want to date me, etc..yet, I sit here wondering what do I really want, what type of girl do I want, do I even want a relationship, will I be thinking of my ex the whole time, should I try to get her back, should I just leave it alone, do I tell the next girl I date about her etc...

After my wife cheated on my and crushed me, I promised myself I would never let myself get hurt and crushed like that again. 3 year later, I open up my life and world to a new girl, and at the end of the day, the same thing happens( not the cheating per se, but the crushing of my heart). The difference is that I loved and cared way more this girl then I did for my wife. So here I am, heart-broken and crushed again by another girl I loved. How do I move on from here? How do I trust from here? How do I open up to another girl again? Will I ever find true love again? Do i just settle for something I know isnt true love?

1 comment:

Jason Levy said...

I should add that this should have been posted a while ago, but I never did, but it was on my mind lately, so I put it up.