Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Why do I get judged so much

Is it all in my head? Do I imagine all of this? Am I over-analyzing all of it? Those questions run through my head all of the time. Then, everyone once in a while, something happens or someone says something to me, that makes me think that it is not all in my head, and people really are taking time out of their life to judge me and judge the way I live.

People think they know me beacuse maybe they hear a story about me or they see something online about me, or they saw me out, or they hear something from a friend etc.. At the end of the day, only the people that are truly close to me really know me. Somehow( I will take some blame for it), there are perceptions out there about me that are just not true. Just because of where I live and who I hang out with and where and when I choose to hang out etc, people think they know all about me and they think they have the right to say things about me and judge me and think they know my life inside out.

I know I have low self-esteem and I know I think way more about it then I should, but when I hear stories like I did the other day or when people say things to me like they did last night, it really makes it stand out how crazy it is what people think about me and how people truly see me.

If any of these people actually took the time to know me and hang out with me, they would get to know the real me and see me for who I truly am, and not just judge me based on something they heard or something they think they know.

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