Monday, April 19, 2010


For some people today is a day to just get stoned and party. For me it is very different. Today is the day that my mother passed away. It is weird to think that certain days I miss her more then others, because I am always thinking about her, but days like today, mothers day, her birthday etc..I guess I do think about her more then normal.

I know at this point it was a while ago that it happened, but that doesn't help me get over it. It is one of those things that I will never be able to get over. I miss her a lot. It is not just one thing I miss, just overall I really do. Even after all of these years, when something happens, I still go to call her or I just sit and think, I wish I could tell my mom this, or my mom would love this etc..

Days like today are just harder for me then others :(

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