Monday, April 5, 2010

having girlfriends that are you just friends

This is a tough subject for me, because I do have so many friends that are girls, but they are also just friends. I know this is so tough and difficult for the girls I date to sometimes grasp, but over time they realize they are just friends. Where I have gotten in trouble for this before is because if I am with the girl I am dating, and we see a group of my girlfriends, I talk to them and hug them etc, and sometimes do not pay all my attention to the girl I am dating.

This is so wrong and so stupid of me, and I am done that now, but I think back to the way I used to act, and I just get so mad at myself. If you are dating a girl and you like her, you shouldn't need to flirt with other girls, you shouldn't need to just hang out with a group of girls. The girl you like and the girl you are dating should be the only girl you want to be around. If everyone is going out as a group, that is fine, but when you start hanging out with just one or two of your girlfriends, I can see how that not only comes across very weird to the girl you are dating, but also it is rude. I just feel bad for a lot of the way I have acted over the years.

On that note, I have a bunch of friends who would never have a girl's number in their phone unless they were planning on hooking up with them. These guys have zero girl friends, and they would never have any interest of hanging out with a girl unless it was to date/hook up with them. When I look at them and I compare them to me, I would much rather have what I have. Some of my girl friends are some of my best friends, and that will never change.

What will change is I will never choose a girl friend of mine over a girl I am dating. I will never make plans just to hang out with one of my girlfriends, when the only girl I want to be with is the girl i am dating.

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