Saturday, January 9, 2010

Letter to my friends about listening

I wrote this to my friends about how they think I don't always listen to them:

I know that sometimes it comes across that I am not listening to what you say, or that I hear it, but I am not paying attention. The fact it, that is the complete opposite, I hear everything and I listen to everything, and I care about everything. You guys are all like family to me, and I am sorry it comes across that way. I am not making any excuses, but I can offer a little bit of an explanation. It is hard to pinpoint exactly why ( even doctors get a little confused), but I always have about 50 different thoughts running through my head at all times. We all know I have add and I am a little ( not severe according to doctors) bi-polar, which comes out as very happy sometimes and also sad and depressed at other times.

As most of you have seen, I can be very up, and then be very down at the same time. Because of this, I know it appears that I may not be listening when you tell me something, or that I seem distant or something along those lines. That is the complete opposite of what is happening. I know it comes across this way, it has cost me friendships and relationships in the past. The bottom line, is I love hearing everything about people's lives, and I am always here to help. I always want to know what is going on, if you are happy, I am happy for you, when you are pissed or sad or whatever, I feel the same way. I guess I view my friends like my family, I am an only child, and I have always attached to other people's family as my own.

The point of this email is to let you know all, that even though I may come across on the surface as aloof and not listening, I really am, and I really do care. I want to help any way I ever can if you are sad or upset, I want to just listen if you need to vent about something, if you are in a great mood and you just want to have a good time, I am here for that also. Just please don't think, that because I may change a topic in our conversation or because I come across as not listening, that I do not care and that I do not listen to everything. I wish I could help all the other thoughts in my head and how I change topics and how my mind wonders, but that is something that is out of my control.

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