Thursday, January 14, 2010

true love

I recently took one of those cheesy quizzes on facebook about what type of movie I was, and below is what one of the questions were with the possible responses:

If you had to say good bye for the last time to the one you loved, what would you say ?
a. it would never happen i would never let them go
b. i will always love you
c. forget about me
d. i will lie and say i will see you again
e. i would not say a thing i would just hold them tight. and then watch them slip away from my life

This made me start to think a lot. My first and immediate response was choice a. I then thought about it more and started to think that maybe that wasnt true. It made me think a lot about what is true love and have I found true love. Since I am single right now, if I have found true love, then I guess I did let it go so my answer would be wrong. At the same time, I feel I did find true love, but it was my own faults and own mistakes that pushed her away, and because of that, we are not together anymore.
It also made me realize that once you find that true love, it is something and someone that you will never truly be apart from. Even if you do not talk to them or have them in your life etc., at some point in time, they are on your mind, and you are wondering what they are up to. At the same time, you know that they are thinking the same thing about you.

True love is a once in a life time thing, and when you do find it, you will know it, because you will never have to think about an answer to a quiz like that, because when you find true love, you will do everything in your power to keep it and not lose it, and if for some reason you do lose it, you will do everything you can to get it back, because you know deep down, that is who you want to be with forever.

1 comment:

Jason Levy said...

One other thing about true love, is you always want the other person to be happy. If they are sad or sick or anything like that, you feel like you would do anything to make that go away from them, even if that meant that you had to be sad or sick. That is true love, and that does not come around often, and when it does, you should not let it go.