Tuesday, December 8, 2009

the 2000's in the NFL

SI.com just put all this out, and it is interesting to look back and think about these moments, since most of them, I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when they happened.....

The raiders are on way to many of bad end of these trades, Ray Lewis did dominate that super bowl

I agree with most of these, I have to think that Gallery, Leaf, and J. Russell need to be higher on the bust list of draft picks...

I think the tuck rule game and the music city miracle game are rated too low on this list:

Good to see this many Ravens on the all-decade team, I personally think Stover should have been on this list also...

I remember every one of these plays, they were all great....

I like seeing the Ravens Def so high on this list, but To with 20 catches in rice's last game, and Fitzgerald in the 09 playoffs do deserve to be higher.

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