Thursday, January 14, 2010

why date if not fully into the person

I have been thinking so much about this topic lately, that every time I do, I have a new thought or a new idea about it. I look around and I see so many people dating, some just starting out, some have been serious for a while, and I start to wonder how many of them are dating, how many of them are in love, and how many of them have just convinced them selves that they are in love, when in actuality, they really are not?

I guess this all comes from what happened to me when I got married? Yes, we had a great relationship, but at the same time, when you look back on it, you realize that it was merely a great relationship and we were not in love and that we should have not have gotten married. We started dating my last semester of college, we dated for a while after that, then the next thing to do was move in together. we did that more because we figured that was the next step, so we did. The next step after that was engagement, and then of course marriage.

I look around at the girls I date and why I date them. I would not date a girl if she didn't make me smile and I wasn't happy around her, but at the same time, I think there has to be more then that. It seems like if you spend enough time with someone, those feelings just sort of happen and most of the time, they are not true feelings and you are not truly happy with them, you are just happy that you like someone and they like you back and that you enjoy to be around each other.

It is all so confusing to me

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