Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sports this weekend

The nba season is now here along with the world series, ncaa and nfl games. This is a prime time for betting (http://withleather.uproxx.com/2009/10/get-ready-for-20-point-lines-next-week). Not only is this a great time for betting, it is a great time if you are a sports fan. Yes, most people can not sit through a whole NBA game, but still, having the high lites is a good thing. There are some great players in the league right now, and they are entertaining.

Most people ( at least out of the people I know) hate either the Yankees or the Phillies or both. That being said, it is still the world series, and this should be a good one. This is the list of HOF players that will be in this world series; Jeter, Arod, rivera, pettite, and posada. You also have these guys that are all about 2-4 years away from being HOF players- Utley, Howard( on pace to have ruthian numbers), rollins, Lee, Sabathia, Hammels, and Lidge. This should be a great series. As far as NCAA goes, we are now at the 2nd week of the BCS polls being out, and every day there is a new debate about where teams should be ranked and who is better( a 1 loss USC or an undefeated TCU etc..), but what makes college football the best sport around, is that every game really does matter, and it will all play out. You always here announcers say "must win game", but the bottom line is, that in college every game is a must win, if you want to play for the national champ. I have my own theories of who will end up where, and things like that, but that is for another time.

The nfl has hit a point in the season where we new who the top 10 teams are, and we also know who the 10 worst teams are. The playoffs should be very good this year. Everyone has their own opinion of who is the best and who is the worst, but in the AFC Pitt, Indy, Denver, Ne, and Bmore look like the 5 best teams with the Jets, Chargers and Bengals there, but we will see. I know I am biased and have the Ravens better then the Bengals, I just think by the end of the year the Ravens will be better as long as we can stay healthy. In the NFC the Saints, Giants, Vikings look like the class of that division with teams like the Packers, Falcons and some others hanging around, but I can not see a team that is not one of those top 3 making it to the super bowl.

Some other random thoughts I have about sports:
- I do not see any way the Orioles will be able to compete for a playoff spot within the next 5 years
- The office is getting way less funny, where as Always Sunny is getting funnier
- When Palamalu is healthy, the Steelers have one of the top 3 def in the NFL
- Michigan paid a team $500,000 to come to their stadium and play them for homecoming. That team took 2 losses that day, because they forfeited the game they had schedule, just so they could get that pay day. This is what the economy has come to, its sad
- Either P. Manning, Brees, or Rothelisburger will win the MVP, no one else is in the race
- Harvin may have clinched ROY on Sunday
- Willie Parker is done in Clev.
- QB is the most important position in the NFL, look at the good teams, look at the bad teams. Unless you have a top 5 def of all time( 2000 ravens) you need a qb who can play. Look at the awful teams in the league- Browns, Raiders, Rams, Niners, Bucs, Skins, Titans, Chiefs and look at their qb's, and then look at the good teams in the league- Pitt, Ne, Indy, Den, Minn, Giants, Cincy, Bmore and look at their qb's
- The heisman race is wide open right now
- Iowa will lose a game, TCU, Boise, Cincy, and Texas will not lose a game this year. Should make for some interesting debates at the end of the year.
- GT is a very good team, that ball control offense makes it very difficult for a team to come back against
- I think the Phillies have the talent to win the world series
- If Shaq stays healthy and focused, Clev will be very hard to beat. Lebron has taken that team deep in the playoffs with 9 other guys on the team who are awful
- Oregon will beat USC this saturday
- What did people do to kill time during work before Twitter, Facebook, myspace, AIM, and pandora

1 comment:

Jason Levy said...

From this past weekend:

- The full version of the theme song for Cheers is very fitting and each verse really does make you feel bad for someone and makes you want to drink.
- The full version of The fresh Prince theme song is actually 6 verses long and is pretty funny
- I am all for making a statement through music, but Adam Lambert is really going out on an edge here with his album pics
- Tones of Home is a very good song, and people should not judge Blind Melon soley on the song No Rain
- You’re a jerk, is an awful song, but the remix with the Pharrell beat is not that bad-
- All that Ted Ginn talk not being good should probably stop now
- If the Ravens Def. plays like that for the rest of the year, they are right up there with Indy and Pitt for the 2 best teams in the AFC
- Percy harvin has locked down the Roy award
- They will not win ROY, but Oher, Crabtree, M. Wallace, Stafford, Pettigrew, Sanchez, Nicks, Maclin, and Moreno will all be in the pro-bowl within the next 3 years, this was a great draft
- There is so much I want to say about the first week of the NBA, but I will keep it for another time
- If I had a vote for the top 10 teams in NCAA, it would be in this order (I am basing this off how they are playing and have played, pre-season ranks mean nothing); Texas, TCU, Bama, Boise, Oregon, Cincy, LSU, Iowa, Houston, Pitt
- Case Keenum and Jimmy need to be on every Heisman list
- Hold out or not, Crabtree is for real and will be in the league for a long time
- The Vikings will be in the Super Bowl this year
- The League is the funniest new show on tv.
- 30-rock is still a great show