Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Can dogs remember?

What type of brain do dogs have?
How long can a dog remember someone for?( if you spend a lot of time with a dog, and then you do not see them for a long time, do they remember you)
do they have love or do they just view people as masters?
Can they really tell when you are happy, sad, upset, etc..?
When they lick people, are they showing love, or is that just a reaction?
Do dogs view humans as parents or masters, and can they tell the difference between a normal person and their parents?

1 comment:

Jason Levy said...

As I wrote this, I started to think, that yes they can remember, and yes they have emotions. In the last month, I have had a serious up and a serious down in my life, and my dog was aware of both. She went from happy and cuddily, to now, she is just sleeping, she wont go running with me, and she barely wants to play with me.