Tuesday, October 27, 2009

moving out of the city

The more I thought about why I want to move out of Federal Hill, I realized way more about why I want to. It has to do with how I feel about my life, what I want from my life both present and future, what I want out of the place I live, what i want friends to see when they come over, and also how I get along with my room mate.

I like the Federal Hill area, and I like what it has to offer, just right now living in the middle of it, is something I am over with my life. As far as my future goes, I am 100% over living down town, and I do not want to live around this crowd anymore. As much as I like the people down here, I do not like how everyone is always out, and how you are viewed if you do not go out. I should be able to live my life they I want, and all of my friends should not change their opinion of me based on if I am out or not. I am over drinking all the time, and I am over always being out. I can go out and not drink and still have a great time. I can spend a whole night out with my friends and not have to drink, but overall, living in the middle of Federal Hill is not something I want in my life now, or in the future. I can not wait to move out of this area. The way this part of town runs and the way most of the people are, is just only part of the reason I want to move out.

I have had an interesting housing history, and I think that is also part of the reason why I want to move out. After everywhere I have lived( both town and type of house and room mate) I am just not happy at all in this place. It is a nice apartment that I live in now, and me and Chris both have our own private bath rooms, but still there are so many things about this place that I do not like, that is just adding to my wanting to move out of here. I have never lived in this tight of a quarters like this, and things are just not how I want them. My room mate and I are on different pages when it comes to what it is like to live with someone in such tight quarters. The way we were when the other one has a guest over, the way we are with each when we are in the house, and especially how he is with me, when I am just hanging out sober and he is getting hammerred. I am over that time in my life, I can still go out and have a good time, but I am not the same way I was and I think my room mate resents that in a way. Recently, the stress has been building up between us, and we keep snapping at each other for little things. When 2 people live together, there needs to be a common respect for each other and how the place is kept and how you act when the other one is there. I feel like none of that is there in my apt, and it makes it so I do not even want to be in my own place.

My apt is in a great location if you love to go out, and you always want to be in the middle of the action. The problem is that I do not want that anymore. I am not saying I want to just pick up and move into the country and not have anyone within 20 miles of me, but living in the middle of Federal HIll is not something I want. I want to get out of here, so I can be happy with myself and take my life exactly where I want it to be. I do not want to live with anyone else every again, unless it is a girl that I ask to move in with me. I will not have a room mate other than that. The days of living with someone are over for me.

1 comment:

Jason Levy said...

The more I think about it, the more I realize I have to move out of my place and live by myself. It has way more to living by myself and taking control of my life again, then it does moving out of fed hill.