Tuesday, March 24, 2009

New Job

I find myself in a position that I have found myself in over and over again. I am at a job I like, and I am doing well and another job opportunity comes up. Every time it has been for a different reason, normally it is because I am out searching for a new job, but this time the new job came to me. They are pushing hard for me to leave where I currently am and head over there. I have been thinking long and hard about it every day since the offer, and now the time is getting close to where I have to have an answer for them. The job is so different then what I am doing now, both in location, pay, responsibility, type of company, etc..

I have realized over the years that I love sales, I am very good at sales, and any career I have will include me being in sales. I do not know what is holding me back from accepting this new job, but that is what I have to figure out. This job is more money, better hours, easier work, but for some reason I am hesitant. I feel like I am at a point in my life that maybe I shouldn't be job hopping around. I think I know the real reason, but I do not want to admit it to myself. All I know is that I have to dmake a decision by the end of this week, and this is not a little decision. I have started something here at the Sun, and do I really want to pick up and just leave it to start something that could or couldn't work out.

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