Monday, September 3, 2007

Why am I so afraid???

- I did not care about her the way I should have
- I threw her away not once, but numerous times
- she is the first person I think about when I wake up, and the last person I think about when I go to bed
- I want to be talking to her all day, every day
- I know my friends love her
- I know my family would love her
- Why am I so afraid to take a chance on love?

- I know she is my soul mate, and I am hers
- She loves everything I love
- She loves my dog
- She loves my friends
- She loves my sense of humor
- She loves me for me
- Why am I so afraid to take a chance on love?

- I know I should be with her
- She knows she should be with me
- she gets jealous of every girl I talk to, let alone hook up with
- I get jealous and concerned every time she is with another guy
- I freak out when I know she is out having fun, and I am not there to share that fun with her
- I find it impossible to think someone else besides me can make her happy, but I guess I have to realize there are tons of people that can
- Why am I so afraid to take a chance on love?

- I know now that I have ruined any shot I ever had
- Not being with her is something I will always regret
- Treating her like crap is something I should have never done
- That is why I get for being so afraid......

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