Monday, September 3, 2007

My Jobs

My life has been an up and down roller coaster ride, and one aspect of that is my job history. My resume that employers see is 60% Truth, 30% embelishment, 10%lies......My real job history and why I left looks like this...

Starts at age 14
Boardwalk Fries- worked 1 day and then quit, it was my first job, and I was to young to be mopping floors and deep frying crap
edy's Ice Cream- liked it there, gave away a ton of free ice cream to any person I know, brandon got fired, so I quit
Towson Commons- got a job there once Mead started working there. It was a great job, and then we( about 10 of us) ran some huge scam on food and tickets, until we all got busted and fired
Charred Rib- worked there for about 2 months, then got fired for buying and dirnking liquor from the bar, I was only 16
Mamma Ilaridos- got a job there with Brandon, Chip, and Lynch. Eventually everyone left, and i was bored there, and my manager had tought me the ways of selling pot, so I cussed out the owner and quit.
(Drug Dealer)- It all started my senior year of high school......
Peirces Pavilion- worked here the summer before going away to school, started as a valet parker, within 3 weeks I was manager of all valet parking, so I hired my friends, and we would take money and credit cards from cards, and then spend the money on booze and gas for all of our friends
During College:
Provident Bank- interned here after freshman year. I did no work, and instead ate lunch with my friends downtown every day, and perfected my minesweeper and freecell game
(Drug Dealer)- it was easy to do, and the money was great
RA- went back to school sophmore year and was a RA for a semester. I was the best RA, I let them get away with a little bit to much, but just like normal, I wanted everyone to like me, so I bent the rules. i was sick of it, so I quit and moved off campus 2nd semester
Gumby's- Worked here 2nd semester spoh year, where I would give free pizza to all my friends, Quit and end of school year, just didnt want to do it anymore.
In Boston, in between junior and senior year of college
Joe's Bar and Grill- Worked here with Hall and my 2 roomates( melanie and heather) i was a waiter and we made a ton ofmoney and did a ton of drugs, and when I knew I was getting ready to go back to school, I cussed out everyone in the restaurant that had pissed me off( half baked style) and then left.

After Graduating College:
Madison Marketing- 1st job out of college, got promoted after a month, job then sucked, and I wanted to party with my friends, so I quit and just sold pot and drank every night.
Mondo Bondo- was a bar/restaurant at power plant. I gave away thousands and thousands of dollars worth of booze to all my friends since I was the waiter and bartender on staff. eventually, I took a phone call during my shift, my manger told me to get off my cell, I had taken thatplace for way too much money and given away too much stuff( every thur, fri, and sat, I would take 2-400 bucks off the regester and give away cases of miller lites to my friends) that I told him to fuck off, and just walked out and quit
Savings First Mortgage- got into the mortgage business and this place was ok, but it got old after a while, and i was makingmoney sellingpot and being a bookie, and I hated working, so I quit. This is the job where "business lunches" started with Chip and i would be gone for 2+ hours
Greentree Mortgage- my uncles mortgage company, I worked there until I got sick of it, then I quit. This is where it all went downhill, since eveyrone in that office was a bookie or a poker player or a pot smoker, and that is all we did all day every day
Corestar Mortgage- met some great people here, and I worked my ass off the first 2 months, got promoted, then eveyrone just let me do what I wanted, and I eventually got bored and quit
HR Block Mortgage- I was at this job for close to 2 years. I made a ton of money here and I actually loved it, but over the country they were shutting branches down, and I did not want to be at mine when they did, so I quit, and then 2 months later the branch got shut downand moved to tampa. If that was not going to happen, i would still be there.
Residential Home Loans- this was the farthest thing from a job. yes, I was technically a sales manager, but all we did all day eveyr day was order food, play online poker, look up girls on craig's list and order them to other mortgage companies, play real poker, and order around the other employess to do their job. eventually I wont 13K in a poker tourney, and got bored with my job, so I quit...
Citizens Lending Group- great company,great owner, but over time it just dragged me down, and I realized that I did nto want to be doing this anymore. even a month after I have left, I am still helping out here and there since I was a sales manager and I had a ton of responsibility, but for the most part I am done there.

I am now 100% done the mortgage industry. It is time to start a new chapter in my life. I love everything to do with sales and marketing and that is what I went to school for, so now the search is on. I can only hope, that I will not have to update this list for a long, long time....

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