Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Never judge a relationship

I say this all the time, yet I see it happen all the time. I am not sure why people do this and it kills me when they do.

Everyone I know(ok, everyone except for 2 people) has been in a relationship. Some have turned out good, some have turned out bad. At the end of the day, one thing every person knows is that when it comes to your relationship, only you and your gf/bf really know what is going on. You may talk to your friends and family about the good times or the bad times etc, but in actuality they only know what you allow them to.

When people then start talking about your relationship to other people, it is either them just making up things based on what you told them, using things both people said as sort of a he said/she said thing, or just forming their own opinions. All of those things are unfair and shouldn't happen.

I have tried very hard not to talk about any person's relationship because I know how wrong it is. In my past, I have had some pretty bad thing happen, and the stories I would hear about my relationship from other people shocked me how out of control the stories I got.

If I were to talk about someone's relationship it would only be if something happened in public and there was no thought or opinion in it. Example would be if someone got in a huge fight in public, or if things were posted online et'c. In that case, it is out in the open and there is no opinion in saying, " did you see that" or "what was that about"

I am just so sick of people talking about other people's relationship when they really do not know the full story

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