Monday, May 3, 2010

My April Goals down, on to May

I set out in April certain goals for myself. I wanted to work harder at work, save money, get my living situation figured out, and work on my side business. I feel like I have been able to accomplish those goals and now I can move on to setting new goals for myself for the month of May. I know I will be out of town for 3 weekends in May and that will eat into some of my time, but I feel like I can still get my goals done.

I was able to find a new, one bedroom apartment to move into, and I should be fully moved in by this weekend. I have been doing a good job at saving money and still being able to enjoy my life. Last week was sort of slow at work, but other then that, I did a good job of working hard and trying to get things going. For my side business, I met with the promotion company twice and we came up for a general time line to get the business started and how we are going to market and advertise it.

For May, my goals are pretty much the same thing, minus getting my living situation figured out.

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