Monday, March 22, 2010

Matchmaking club in Baltimore

This was an email I sent out to most of the people I know for the idea I am working on. It is still a work in progress, and I have already gotten some great feedback on it, and I am taking every comment and trying to make sure I address it and make this work.

Before you read this, I will tell you that this email is pretty long, but I would appreciate any feedback or ideas etc. that you could provide for me. This is something I have been thinking about doing for a while and I have been doing the research and getting everything together on the back end( legal stuff, privacy issues, web page, etc.) and that is almost done, so now it is moving to the stage of just getting it up and running. Again, I am sorry for the length of the email, but I would like any ideas or suggestions about pros and cons about any of the things listed below. The business I am starting is in essence a matchmaking dating service. Imagine if you take parts of internet dating, meeting people out, and millionaire matchmaker (yes, I watch that show, save the making fun of me for another time) and altering them and combining them into something that the average person can do and it will actually work.( I will go into the cons of the other things below). This will be a way to match people up for what they exactly are looking for, with real information and real wants and not just fake stuff that is either said when drunk at a bar or fake stuff typed into a web page.

This idea has been on my mind for a while and between getting ideas from the show, and talking to all of my friends and a couple other influences, I have decided that this is a great idea and it could do very well in Baltimore. I know there are going to be hurdles and roadblocks to getting this up and running, but I can handle most of them outside of the people( the logistical stuff), but below are what I see being some roadblocks/oppositions coming from the people directly( and they are going to be all of my clients). Also, below I will explain a little bit about how it is going to work with price and set up, but again just know this is still a work in progress. My business plan for this is way more descriptive and way more detailed, but I will not get into all of that with you guys.

I just want you to think for a second, even if you are in a relationship, about how many times you have asked someone you know to set you up with someone or if they know anyone or you have been asked that? How many times have you dated someone or your friend is dating someone that, you can tell the connection isn’t really there, but they are still dating just to either have someone to date or because they just wanted to settle, and you can just tell they are not good together.? This last one is something I think that is so huge, and so many people I know do this, and it kills me, because I know if people just took the time, it could be so different. How many times do you know someone that would be perfect for someone else, because you know both of them, and yet one of the people may know that person or have heard something about that person etc., and because of that, they are very hesitant. That is one of the worst things. A lot of this that is putting this in motion is 5 separate conversations I had this weekend with people either asking me to set them up with someone or if I knew someone for them (3 girls, 1 guy) and then someone else complaining to me how they had been dating someone for about 2 months, and it was just ok, but they couldn’t be themselves, and it was fun to date them, but they just wanted someone they could be themselves with. I think one of the worst things I see, is people dating and hooking up just to do it, and there is really no connection or true liking each other going on. If you are still reading this email, I thank you.

The overall premise of this is to have a club for lack of a better term. In this will be guys and girls that both pay a fee (still working on if it is going to be monthly or annually etc, and how much exactly. I feel $20 is too low per month, but $50 is too high, so I am working on some things). In that club, they would sit down (interview style, and I will get into why this is better then just going out to a bar and online dating later), and go over in detail who they are, what they are looking for exactly and the problems they have had with previous people they have dated and good things they have had in previous relationships etc. It would be a full interview, and it will get us a chance to match you up with someone you are truly you are looking for and someone you can truly enjoy your time with.

Once that is done, all of their information is saved and they are now in the club. This club will always be looking to set people up, it may be a set of 2 to 3 mini blind dates, and then whichever you have the best connection with you go on a real date, or a mixer. There are plenty of ideas I have, but it depends on what the two people are all about and what they like to do etc. It will be something that once you start dating someone, then for now you are out and will not be set up on any more dates or tried to be matched with someone, but you are always welcome to come back in. I know this all sounds vague, but this is an ever-growing group, and there will always be people that I (and my team) will work on to make sure it is a good match for you. This is a great way to not only get to meet people and go on dates with someone, but you know that the person you are going out with is someone that is similar to you in what they like and what they are looking for, and you know that there is at least some connection. There are about 4 more pages in my business plan about the specifics of all of this, but I think the point is pretty obvious now. Any other specific questions, please ask me.

On the other end, I can think of 3 HUGE problems that will come from this. These are a combination of problems/roadblocks that I know people will put up.( Also, I have a lawyer helping with some of the legalities of this, but if any of you know a lawyer or are a lawyer and want to help, let me know.) I will list what I see the biggest objections being below and I would like some feed back on what you think about them. I think they are going to be the attitude that people will have about it and the fact that internet dating is becoming more and more popular. I also know that other issues will come up, and until people meet and actually start dating and our happy, it will be harder to get people to join, but I know this is a good idea and this is going to happen.

When I say the attitude that people will have, that is encompassing so many things. There will be so many objections that people will come up with, and I think these are my biggest obstacle, and this is what I have to get past and overcome to make this work. The first is the stubbornness and cockiness of people that would think they would never do this. I figure this will come from mainly the men, but again, this will only work if I have men and women both doing it. There are so many people that will think, why would I do this, I can just go out to a bar and meet someone, or I would never pay for anything like this, I have no problem meeting some one. I can see that point, and even the most social, outgoing people still could benefit for this. I look at it this way, if you only just want to go to a bar to meet someone and just want to get numbers and hook up and maybe go on a date or two, that is fine. But, if you are looking for someone to date and someone that you can actually be with, being able to get someone’s number a bar doesn’t do anything. If that is the case, everyone would just to go a bar after midnight any night of the week, find the single people in there and get all the numbers. That is easy to do, but most people do not want that. They want to meet someone that they get along with and can be themselves with and can just enjoy being around. I think this is a way to counter that since this will be people that are matched up based on things you like and have in common etc. I talk to so many people that are dating someone they met somewhere, and even after a month or two, they are still saying they cant be themselves and they are not really happy. The point of this club is to stop that from happening.

Another thing about the attitude (and I think this is a bigger one) is the embarrassment factor of it. This is tough for me to truly grasp, because I do not get embarrassed about much and I am a very open person, but I know there are plenty of people that would be embarrassed. I know so many people that use online dating, yet they would never admit it to anyone and when they talk about they whisper about it, like it is the worst thing in the world. I think for the people getting embarrassed about this or something like online dating, they are viewing it all wrong. What is so wrong with doing this? What you are doing is being pro-active and trying to find someone that you could actually date and have things in common with and will enjoy being with. People go out and spend tons of money at bars and meet people wasted and that rarely works. Those same people along with so many others, sit around and may like someone or may want to ask someone out, but they never do. I can understand being embarrassed about it, if you feel like it is a way of admitting some sort of failure or that you can’t meet someone, and that could not be more opposite of what it is. Doing something like this is just another way to meet people. If you are always going to the same places, or meeting the same people, this is a way to branch out and meet people that you would never have had the change to meet in the first place.

Another thing about the attitude of all of this it, is that it is Baltimore, and there is a chance that you will know people in the club and you may even end up on a date with someone that you know or that you have heard of etc.. That should not even be a concern. It is amazing to me, how people ask me to set them up or if I know anyone, and they say, “ oh, I know them or I have heard of them, I would never date them” They say that maybe based one time meeting them or one time seeing them or some story they have heard, and they may not even know if that is true or not. It is amazing, I have a guy I know that would be perfect for one of my girlfriends. They truly have almost every single thing in common, and I know they are both looking for similar things, but because they have met before, the girl is refusing to go out with him. I just do not get that, if this matchmaking matches you up, just give it a shot. There is nothing wrong with it, and you have no idea of knowing what you are truly missing out there.

Obviously the other big concern/obstacle/competition is online dating. I am not going to get into how I feel about online dating( you can see my blog for that), but this would pretty much take all the negatives about online dating and remove them, and still leave the positives for it. Here are the biggest issues/problems with online dating. The things that people list on their profile are almost never true and honest and they are normally just what they think people want to hear. The pictures that are on there are either just old or not reflective at all about what they really look like. There are tons and tons of creepy people out there. You have no idea if the person you are talking to wants to just hook up, if they want to date, if they want to date twice and then get married, etc.. So many people are just so fake and not true on there and lie about so much, that it normally ends up not working. I know so many people that have gone on dates and met people etc. from there, and it may be fun at first, but it normally ends up not working. People pay so much money for all of this, and it is just so fake most of the time.

With what I am doing, every person in the club will have been met by my team, interviewed, and truly asked about what they really want and what they are really looking for, etc. If someone wants to be able to date someone that they can sit around and just be goofy and silly with and not go out and play games with etc., that will be known. If someone is looking for a super serious relationship that will be known. It will be way more open, and obviously people that are just creepy or are just out just to hook up will not be allowed.

Another huge problem, is how many people could I actually get to do this. I know at the beginning it will be small, but over time it will be grow. I know this is a good idea and I know that people would def. be interested, but it is a matter of them actually doing it.

I know more objections and problems will come up along the way, but I also know that all of the positive things that can come out of this are endless. If you have read this whole email, I thank you. If you have any suggestions or ideas or criticism and other reasons you think this will not work, please let me know. Also, if you know anyone else that you think would have ideas on this, or could help with this or would be interested in this, please let me know.


Jason Levy said...

Here are some of the comments I have gotten back, and I appreciate all of the feedback. There have been others, but these 2 make great points and I am going to use both of them and work on those things:
Person 1:
Im not going to lie, I skimmed it…waaaay to long to commit to this at work. I will give you my honest feedback as a single girl in fed hill: no one is going to pay money for you to fix them up with someone that they see every single weekend, if sparks were going to fly they would have already, what is your plan to get people you don’t socialize with to join, the interview process, etc seems like a big time commitment, and having the “club” seems like it would require an upfront investment before you really know if people are going to be interested, I say before all that you have a singles only happy hour or something…advertise the hell out of it and get as many people as you can to go there, this will tell you how many people may be interested in your idea and also will show everyone that you can find decent guys/girls to match them up with…My hesitation would be that yes – I am single, but I am not really willing to just go out with someone for the sake of going out with them. At least online, you can take one look at a pic or a profile and say yes/no, if I had to go to a bar and have a drink with that many people – it would take forever. I would say happy hours, or even speed dating is better than one on one fix ups (you could also prob double dip if you get the bar (one that isn’t usually busy on a particular night) to give you a kick back for getting everyone in.
I think it is a good idea, but you probably need to do some more work. Also, this isn’t just a way for you to get first dibs on all the single girls in bmore, is it? If you fix everyone up with yourself and your friends, people will notice!! That being said, I want first dibs on the single guys

Jason Levy said...

Person 2:
There is a group that sounds somewhat similar to this that exists in Baltimore. I can't remember what it was called, but I tried to look into it once and got frustrated b/c their website doesn't post much information and you have to register to really visit the site. Even then you don't get much info until they call you for you to come in for an interview. During that phone call they explain more about their services. But it just seemed weird so I said thanks but no thanks.

I think that if you did do something like this, you would have to a. have a team that is legitimately qualified to make matches like this and give some sort of proof of your qualifications. And b. I think it would be cool to have a safe and easy way to view the profiles of other members of the club and an easy way to follow up with someone after a mixer. I think the "mixers" are a great idea, where you just invite a bunch of club members to come out to a private happy hour or something and meet other members. That way you know everyone at the mixer is interested in finding someone to be with.

Maybe don't provide last names to club members. That could help with the pre-judgment issue. I mean, we do live in Smalltimore where everyone has heard at least something about everyone. So if you didn't give last names (at least not until you reached a certain stage in the relationship), then the person wouldn't be able to a. facebook stalk the person they are being matched up with or b. be able to make their pre-judgements. And they'd just have to trust you and your team to not be setting them up with a freak.

Also, I watch Millionaire Matchmaker too and I do like the idea of Patty's club and think something like that would be cool in Baltimore (minus the millionaire part. haha.) But I have a lot of issues with a lot of the stuff Patty says. She tends to make judgments way too quickly and has everyone pigeon holed. She acts like she knows what every woman wants. And for me, most of the time, she is wrong. Especially in the looks department! I mean, obvi, this isn't LA. But I think everyone's taste is different. We don't all match Patty's! So, your club would have to be much more open minded about that. I do like her rule about no sex though.

As for people who are in relationships just to have someone to date... those people are idiots. That is a huge pet-peeve of mine. I also have a problem with guys who always automatically assume that girls want to jump into a relationship with them and so they back off as soon as the girl shows signs of interest. I just want to scream at them "hey buddy! you aren't all that! I don't want to freakin marry you just b/c we hung out a few times! so RELAX and stop thinking I am a psycho if I text you first. Maybe I just enjoy your company and want to get to know you better! Is that so wrong?" You know what I mean?!? Sorry. That was just a little rant right there.

Anyway, good luck to you. I'd be interested to see your business plan b/c I must admit, I am somewhat skeptical about how this is going to work.