Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Dating in the dark

Does this show have merit?

Last night I watched this show where people have to meet each other and get to know each other and hook up etc.. without ever seeing each other(it is all done in a pitch black room). At the end of the show, they finally get to see each other and then they have to decide if they still want each other.

At first you think this is the worst/cheesy show, but when you think about it the show does have some merit about how important looks really are to people. On the show people who had gotten along and had a good connection, decided not to date at all or to continue what they had, because of how the other person looked. It made me think a lot about how I judge people and how every one I know judges people. If you think about the last time you were out and you met someone or saw someone from across the room, you judged them by how they looked, and you probably didnt even want to learn about who they are.

This show does raise some very interesting points. It makes you think.

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