Sunday, July 19, 2009

The neighborhood

There are many good and also many bad things about living in Federal Hill. One of the worst things about living down here is that is like a grown-up college town. Some people view this as a good thing, and it does have its benefits, but one of the worst parts of knowing everyone and always seeing the same people is when you do not get along with someone or things like that it makes it crappy.
Right now I am referring to the fact that I was living with a girl 5 weeks ago, and we broke up and she has since started dating a new guy and stays at his place almost every night. As a whole, the situation sucks, but we are grown-ups so you move on and just deal with it. The problem with living down here, is that they live about 80 feet away from me. Every time I step out of my house, no matter what I am doing, there is a chance I can see them. I see his house, I see there cars, I see them walking the dog, and my friends see them all the time. I know(because she emailed me when we first broke up) that it is just as hard on her, but the fact that the break-up and all that stuff keeps getting thrown in my face and every day I have to see something that reminds me of it, just f'ing sucks.

That being said, there are tons of great things about living down in the city, and for now, there is no where else I would want to live.

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