Sunday, August 9, 2009

Wedding Weekend

I have now been to 3 weddings in the last 6 weeks. Each one is very different in its own way with theme, people there, flowers, location, etc., but at the same time they are all very, very similar.

I love going to weddings, and I love everything they stand for. I will say, that at each wedding, there is still a little part of me, that even if its only for one minute, I think about my wedding, and what I went through, and I just hope and prey that the people getting married that they never have to go through what I went through.

Another similarity at these weddings is how me and my friends are viewed by the people getting married. Every single wedding, we are viewed as the trouble makers and viewed as the people that have to be told over and over again to make sure they behave themselves. An example of this would be at the wedding we were just at. 7 of us from Baltimore were up at the wedding, and we all have grown up with the groom and known him our whole lives. 4 of us were groomsmen in the wedding. That all being said, we were sat at a table that was so far away and half outside of the pier we were on, that we couldn't even hear any of the speeches or toasts. No one else at the table took it as an insult, but I took it as a direct slap in the face. We are supposed to be best friends, and half of us were groomsmen, and we still got shoved as far away as possible, because they thought we were going to be loud or rude or something like that. Then, within the hour, people were not really on the dance floor, and the groom came over to us and asked us to go on the dance floor because he knew we were fun, and people would follow our lead, and that turned into a huge dance party.

2 days late after all the wedding brunches and festivities, all that was said to the bride and groom and their families, was how nice and fun and polite all the Baltimore people were.

The point it is we may drink and have fun at weddings, but we are all still grown ups and we are all mature adults, and to treat us like little kids and put as at tables as far away as possible because you are embarrassed by us(this has happened at multiple wedding) is just rude and it needs to stop happening

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