Wednesday, July 8, 2009

29 and Single

Here I am, 29 and single. Part of me is happy to be in this position, and the other part of me is a little depressed about it.

Here is what I know now, I have a large group of close friends and about 95% of them are with someone special and are with the person that they will probably get married to. I thought I was with the person I was going to marry, I was very mistaken. I feel like a loser. This is how my friends follow:
Have a serious GF- Mike K, Matt M, Matt D, Brad C, Tj, Hall, Wes, Adam, Bill
Are not dating anyone- Chris R, Matt L, Bates

I am not happy about why I am single, but the upside is I have now been hurt and crushed and lied to by two different girls, that I think that there is no way it can happen again, so the next person I get serious with, will know my past and there is no way of that happening again.I am single and I can enjoy my life and when I meet someone, I will know it is right.

The flip side of that is, I am now 29, I have been divorced, I just got out of another serious relationship, am I now viewed as damaged goods or looked at as someone who a girl wouldn't want to be with?

The other thing that enters the equation is that I want to have a kid at some point. I don't know when that time will come, or what my life will bring me, but I know that this is what I have been dealt now, and now I have to move on.

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