Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Always the center of the social scene

For as long as I can remember, I have always been in the middle of the social scene no matter how old I was or where I was living. I am sure there are many reasons for this, and everyone I talk to has a different opinion on this, but all that matters to me, is I am no longer feeling the need to be that way, and it makes me happy. I guess since I moved to the city 2 years ago I have slowly been that way, but I am now truly seeing how stupid and dumb that was. I used to be so concerned about making sure I was out having a good time, and that I knew everything going on with everyone, etc. and I think I missed out on some really good times and really good friends because I was so worried with making sure I was trying to be every where at one time.

I have thinking a lot about this, and I have probably 2 pages of things I want to write about this, but I am just to tired to do it now.

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