Monday, September 22, 2008

Blaming Others

In the last 2 weeks of sports we have seen very bad calls by the officials that have in some way changed the outcome of the games. There was a celebration call in the byu/wsh game that made the extra pt 15 yards longer, and then it got blocked. There was also the fumble in the den/sd game that was called an incomplete pass. Denver then went on to score and win the game, even though the correct call was to give the ball to SD and end the game. In both of these cases, the teams still had a chance to play and win the game, but they lost anyway, and instead of taking responsibility for their respective losses, they blamed the refs. SD had 3 chances to stop Denver from scoring the gw touchdown and the 2-pt conversion, instead their defense gave up 2 scores in 3 plays, and wash let byu block the extra kick.

This got me thinking on how myself along with the majority of my friends blame other people and other events for things that happen in their own life, when for the most part, a person can only control what happens to themselves. I know that I am guilty of this almost every day of my life. I let something that someone else says or does affect the way I think or what I do. I have to start living my life based on what I want to do and how I want to, not based on what other people do or how I think other people want to act.

I am going to tell myself that starting today, I am going to act the way I want and not let other people influence me or control me. We will see how it goes....

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