Monday, September 22, 2008


I have led my whole life not caring about money. By not caring, I mean I acted the exact same if I had money or if I didnt have money. I grew up an only child being raised by 2 single parents, who both struggled to make tons of money. I got used to not having all the luxory's that some of my friends did, even though my parents did everything in their power to make sure I was happy and had everything I needed. I learned to get by and have fun without having tons of money, and on the flip side when I did have money, I found myself being careless with it and not worrying about saving it and just going on my life. I feel like over the years, it is finally starting to catch up with me.

A few years ago I had a job where I was making a ton of money. I found myself having more money then I knew what to do with. I was spending money every way I could, but I was(to my credit) finding ways to save some of that money also. Eventually I left that job, but I never really left my spending patterns that I developed at that job. Since then, I have had numerous jobs that have all paid less that then that one did, and yet I find myself not saving really any at all, but yet, I am still spending money on stupid things and blowing money in ways I don't really want to. It is almost like I have no control over my life, and I just do things and don't worry about any of the consequences. I am starting a new job next Monday and I am making a promise to myself, that I will stop by frivolous spending and start saving money like a grown-up and acting the way I should have been the last 5 or so years....

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