Wednesday, July 20, 2011

new job, new start

I started this job back in July and I am now getting around to finally doing this write-up about it. I took this job mainly as a change in my life. It seems as if this job is not exactly what I want in my life and that makes me question why I took it.

The problem therein lies with am I not happy here because of the specific job or am I just not happy in general and it doesn't matter what job I am at. It is a stable job and good money etc, yet I find reasons not to be happy with it. I am not sure why I do this to myself, but that is another issue I am working on fixing. At the end of the day, I need to stop complaining about the negative aspects of this job and focus on the positive ones and continue to do well.

I wrote this and never published and as now, as of today, I no longer work for this company. it is for the better, I was not happy, and nothing in my life has gone well since I have been at this job. I needed to get out and I needed a change, and now is my time to start over and to truly start to be happy.

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