Monday, July 19, 2010

what i want in poker/ why I play

I love playing poker, and I know I am good at it. I also know I am not a professional, but I also know I am way better then a lot of people. I am starting a whole other blog just dedicated to poker, but I am going to be playing it a lot more. I want to be able to play and still have fun but also make money. There are very different strategies on how to play and how to be succesfull, and they are very different for online and for live play. I will discuss them in way more detail in the other blog, but I just know that I want to be successful in poker. I am not doing it to quit my job, right now I am using it as another source of income, but I do know that it is something I am good at and it is something I truly love to do.

One of the things I love about poker is how I feel at the table. I have a lot always going on in my life, and honestly a lot of it is not always good. I get depressed, I get sad, I get stressed out etc. When I am at the poker table, all of that goes away. I am just enjoying what I am doing and I am only thinking about poker. All of the bad and depressing things and stressful things in my life dissapear. This is huge. I guess this is what it is like to have a true hobby.

I used to play golf a lot, and I could get this same feeling from golf, but it is slightly different in poker.

my dog getting old

The other night there was an earthquake at 5am. I didn't hear it or feel it, but I guess it was enough to freak my dog out. I woke up to her in her dog bed whimpering and shaking. I sat with her and she just cuddled up to me. and let me pet her and I couldn't figure out what was wrong. Over time, she went back to sleep, but it truly freaked me out.

I couldn't get back to sleep at all after that. It was then that I realized that something wasn't really wrong with her, but also I realized that she is coming up being 7 years old and for a dog, I know that is really old. It got me very freaked out, that my dog could be getting old and in turn getting sick and could die soon.

Yes, I have had friends and family die and when I was 17 my cat died and when I was 15 my dog died, but this is a totally different feeling. Summer has been my dog, my life, she has been part of me for the last 7 years. Every day she is there for me no matter good or bad. I would never expect anyone that didn't have a dog to understand how I feel, even when I am mad at her, I still love her.

Seeing her like that the other night, made me realize that she is getting old and that I may not have tons of time left with her and that makes me very sad and very upset.