Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Working out really does help

Regardless of how much I get in shape and how quickly I can turn my body around, I feel so good when I leave the gym.
I used to dread working out and not like it, but now I look forward to it. It is something I can focus on and something that makes me feel good.
I will never get super jacked and no matter what I will not get fat, but I just want to get tone and fit.
Going to the gym makes me feel good and happy and it makes me sad that I stopped it for so long in my life.

Questions I ponder?

Be it boredom, be it the mental breakdown I am going through. Either way, these are some of the questions that are floating around in my head:
- Do homeless people have sex? If they do, where and with who?
- Have I ever really recovered from the divorce and what lead to it and what happened to me?
- Did I get married to young and impulsively and for the wrong reasons?
- Can dogs really tell when you are sad?
- Does my dog understand anything I say to her or just the inflection in my voice?
- Is online poker truly rigged by very smart computer programmers?
- Can someone really be a sex addict or do they just love getting some?
- Why is people watching so f'ing enjoyable?
- When a tv show is very bad, like bad enough to be canceled after 4 shows, who is really to blame? Writer, Producer or Actors?
- What makes some people react so strongly to something where as the same event makes someone else react totally different?
- Will they ever invent a birth control that is 100% effective, bc obv. abstinance doesnt work?
- If there was a birth control that was 100%, but it had to be taken by men, how many guys would actually take it?
- When a women has an abortion, does she think about it ever again and wonder what if etc, or is it something she does, and then just tries to forget it happened?
- Why do people who do not know anything about sports try to always have conversations about sports in public? They are not impressing who ever they are trying to, they are just making themselves look stupid.
- If you know as a restaurant you serve something that isnt good and something that is never ordered, why keep it on your menu?
- If I won the lottery, how much would I change, if at all?
- Does true love exist, or is it more about finding someone you can spend your life with and you can grow to love them and be happy with, but it may not be true love?
- Do people just settle for someone that they can be happy with even if they do not truly love them, just because they are afraid of being alone?
- How can Patti from Millionaire Matchmaker be so great at fixing people up, but yet she can't get a guy?

Friday, September 9, 2011


Deadlines are something we all deal with. Every person handles them differently. Some people will take whatever they are doing and put it off to the bitter end, knowing that they can rush and hurry and it will get done. Some people know the deadline is there, but they always take care of what they have to way before the deadline is approaching that they never even know when it is. Some people get so nervous and afraid of deadlines that it doesnt matter if they finish early or finish at the bitter end, they have been so razzled and thrown off because there was a deadline set, that whatever the deadline was for, they messed it up.

I personally like deadlines. They do not stress me out, they do not bother me. Sometimes I take care of what I have to way before the deadline is up, other times I come down to the wire. Either way, deadlines do not stress me out, if anything they motivate me. I never want to be rushing and getting stressed at the end, so I do whatever I have to, to try to finish the task way before the deadline.

That all being said, this most recent deadline does have me stressed out. It has me both upset and worried. I have never felt this way with anything in my life. I guess only time will tell if I make the deadline or not.

Monday, September 5, 2011

no drinking september

All I ever do is talk about how I am going to make these drastic changes in my life be it in regards to drinking, money mgmt, working out, etc..and yet I end up just saying a lot of words and my actions do not back up what I am saying.

That stops now. I am not giving up drinkings all together, because I do know that I am sure I will have some drinks either at a vt game or ravens game this month, but I have to start somewhere, so starting today, I am laying off of the drinking and going out at least for this month, and then I will re evaluate my life based on how this month goes. I would like to say, I am going to go the next 30 days not drinking at all, but I know that is not true. Right now, I know that I will not get drunk at all, I will not do any shots at all, I will not be drinking during the week at all(not that that happens a lot), and if I am out for a game or for an event on the weekend, I may have a beer or two, but no getting drunk at all.

I hope I can do this and I need to do this for me both mentally and physically.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Depression and Suicide affects millions and is real

Recently Mike Flannagan killed himself. There has been a lot of debate and talk about why he did it and where his head was at. At the end of the day, people have no idea why he did it and they think that all of the things that have come out are stupid and no one understands how he could do something over which seems to trivial.

The thing is, that most people do not understand what it is like to suffer from that type of depression. Unfortunately, I do know what it is like. When you suffer from that, you view the world in a totally different way. You see things very different then most people. You learn to put on a front and a show to cover how sad and depressed you really are. You are able to have fun and you try to live your life, but on the inside you are in pain and you are getting pull down by yourself each day. You take everything personally and you put blame on yourself, even when no one else is blaming you or thinking negative of you, you find a way to convince yourself something is not only your fault, but that every person around you is blaming you. It makes you question everything you do and it makes you think that no matter what you do, even if people are being nice and/or complimenting you, that it is still wrong and you are still messing up.

Depression affects a lot of people a lot of different ways, but it is that overall feeling that no matter what you do, you are not right and no matter what you do, you can get happy that drives so many people to suicide. So many people say that suicide is weak and cowardly. Those people that say that do not suffer from depression and they have no idea the toll it takes on you mentally. I am not condoning it at all, but I am also not saying it is bad.
When you suffer from this depression, it affects the way you think, and suicide is just an awful affect of it. There is no cure for it. You can do counseling, you can take meds, etc., but overall the only way to try to get past it is find someone and something in your life that makes you so happy, that over takes the depression. The problem with that is if you ever lose that or if you ever doubt that it is making you happy, you will slip directly back into that life of depression.
Another thing that can be done, which so many people do not do, is admit that they are sick and have a problem and that they need help.

College Football is starting, I should be happy

Instead, I am in a dark depression and I can not even appreciate tonight and this weekend which I look forward to all year. I love football season, both college and nfl, yet I sit here in a dark depression and I can not get excited for any of it.

I have no idea how to get out of this

If I were to get back to online dating

A while ago I did it, and the one thing I remember from it is that the profiles that are listed are a complete waste of time. They are a combination of a giant lie mixed with people just saying what they want other people to hear, mixed with people leaving out all the important stuff. I have no desire to do this again and for that matter, I do not even want to date at all right now, but people keep telling me I need to date etc. Right now, I do not want to meet anyone new at all.

I get why people do that(lie on their profiles), because so many people either dont even read the profile or because they figure they can talk about all of that stuff in person. Also, not every person wants the exact same thing, but all you see on there are the same key words and same phrases. It would be refreshing is people were just totally honest. If you are on there to hook up and see where it goes, say that. If you are on there because you really want a relationship, say that. If you really like somewhere or something, say it. Instead, it is all generic and a lot of lies.

Below is what I would write if I were to get back on and do a profile. It will probably come across weird and wouldn't get any looks at, but at least I know it would be honest...

My name is Jason Levy and I am recently single. A while ago, I was on here and I met some very interesting people. To be honest, it seemed that if every person I met was somehow different then what they said on here. Old Pictures, false hobbies, making up what they are looking for etc. I do not want any more fakeness. Yes, like everyone, I am looking for that special person, but I know that true love can not be forced and/or found after one date. In my opinion, the person you end up with should also be your best friend and that is really what I am looking for. They should be the person you want to spend every second with. You can still go out and have fun and you can both have your own hobbies, but at the end of the day, you know you have the right person when you can enjoy sitting on the couch with that person and just being you more then any night out. It is tough to say what I am looking for exactly, because I do not have a specific type. The whole point of being online is to meet people you would not normally meet and to try to make a connection that you didn't know could be made. I do know I am looking for someone that can have a good time with me no matter what we are doing. I do not want someone that wants to go out to the bars every night and wants to always be partying, but at the same time, I do like to go out from time to time to have some fun, so I need someone that could go out with me and have a good time. Mainly, I need someone that can make me smile and someone that will love me for me and I can, in turn, love them for them. People are all so different, and it is impossible to tell if someone is a match for you just by looking at some pictures etc, because I think personalities matching up is the biggest thing. I know that every person has a past and I wouldn't call it baggage, but every person has stuff in their past that has shaped them with who they are today. A person's past should never interfere with their future. I hope that the person I meet would never judge me on my past, as I would never judge anyone else's past.

As for me, there are so many things I love. I am very laid back and not much upsets me. I can have fun doing anything. I have been told I am a "manly man" because of my love of sports(playing and watching) and poker and things like that. I never considered myself that, since I do not like hunting or fishing and stuff like that. I will say, that I will watch/DVR anything on tv. I get made fun of a lot, but I like most of the bravo shows(top chef, millionaire matchmaker, real housewives, etc), most of food network, crappy shows on MTV, all the law and orders etc. At the same time, I do truly love sports. I love all types of food. I go through phases of really eating certain foods, sometimes I try to eat super healthy, other times calories are the last thing on my mind.
I have recently gotten into running and I try to run at least 4 days a week now along with working out. I have traveled to over 15 countries, numerous islands and all over the US. Honestly, there is so much more I want to see, and most of that is inside the US.

I am interested in meeting someone new and not the same person that I have always met. I know it is tough for most people since for most of us, the only place you can meet someone is through a friend or family and that never really works out because you are just set up because you are both single. You can meet someone at work, but that normally ends up badly. Or, you can meet someone at a bar. Yes, that can be fun, but how many people can honestly say they met their true love etc at a bar. I understand why people are so negative about online dating, but I do not see the negative side of it. The point of this is to meet some new people, go on some dates, and to see if that connection is out there.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Happy and Proud of yourself

As I have learned, the most important thing to being happy in your life is being able to be happy with yourself and to be proud of the person that you are. For a long time in my life I thought I was happy with my life but I realized I was not happy with myself and the things I was doing in my life that I thought were making me happy, were not at all. I worked very, very hard on myself and how I lived my life to become a person that I was proud of and I was able to lead a life I was proud of.

Recently, I have de-gressed a lot and I am back to being a person I am not happy with and a person I am not proud of. The problem is I keep making excuses for the way I act instead of doing things to change the negative things I am doing. I know what is wrong with me and I know what I want to be doing in my life and I know what I do not want to be doing, and yet, I keep finding myself trending towards the things I should not be doing. Instead of getting help for that and working on keeping myself happy and working on living a life I can be proud of, I keep doing things to bring myself down and I keep making excuses and using things as a crutch that I shouldnt.

A friend recently told me that they "truly think you are in a sturggle between who you want to be and who you are and the who you are wins over" She then told me that it was obvious to her and in turn should have been obvious to myself that I was starting to slip back into the old way, and instead of stopping it and dealing with it, I just let it happen.

I realize now I need to stop using all the negative things that have happenned in my life as excuses and I need to man up and do everything I can to get my life back to a life that I can be proud of.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Heisman Prediction

Season starts Thursday and other predictions and picks will be coming soon, but this is who I see ending up in New York this year.

- Andrew Luck
- Marcus Lattimore
- Blackmon
- David Wilson

Never judge a relationship

I say this all the time, yet I see it happen all the time. I am not sure why people do this and it kills me when they do.

Everyone I know(ok, everyone except for 2 people) has been in a relationship. Some have turned out good, some have turned out bad. At the end of the day, one thing every person knows is that when it comes to your relationship, only you and your gf/bf really know what is going on. You may talk to your friends and family about the good times or the bad times etc, but in actuality they only know what you allow them to.

When people then start talking about your relationship to other people, it is either them just making up things based on what you told them, using things both people said as sort of a he said/she said thing, or just forming their own opinions. All of those things are unfair and shouldn't happen.

I have tried very hard not to talk about any person's relationship because I know how wrong it is. In my past, I have had some pretty bad thing happen, and the stories I would hear about my relationship from other people shocked me how out of control the stories I got.

If I were to talk about someone's relationship it would only be if something happened in public and there was no thought or opinion in it. Example would be if someone got in a huge fight in public, or if things were posted online et'c. In that case, it is out in the open and there is no opinion in saying, " did you see that" or "what was that about"

I am just so sick of people talking about other people's relationship when they really do not know the full story

Diet and Exercise

I am going to start tracking this stuff. My love of food will make it so I can never truly diet, since I will always eat what I want when I want, but I do need to lower some of my portions and maybe watch calories a little.
Also, I have gotten back into the gym and running and I can def. see a change physically but the weight change isn't that much. I think that has to do with a combo of gaining muscle that weighs more and just the fact that I do not have a ton of weight to lose.
I am going to track on here starting today, what I eat and how I work out and then I can look back and see for myself how awful my eating habits actuall are.

Monday, 8/29

- glass of OJ, breakfast
- pretzels and water all day, no lunch
- chips and salsa at home
- steamed veggies in cheese sauce- sort of an app at home
- Pasta for dinner( Rotini Recipe with ground turkey, peas, chedder cheese melted in and light afredo sauce
- Worked out during day, did all arms and stomach, no running

Tuesday, 8/30
- Iced Coffee
- Pretzels and Triscuits during the day, no lunch
- Worked out Chest and Stomach at gym
- wine and leftover pizza for dinner
Wed, 8/31
- no breakfast
- no lunch
- no working out
- grilled cheeseburger and a salad for dinner
Thur, 9/1
- glass of oj
- went running
- no lunch
- chicken pad thai for dinner
Fri, 9/2
- guiness
- small turkey wrap and small veggie wrap- drinkas and food were at this booth thing i stopped by at grand prix after picking up 5k packet
- ran 3 miles
- worked out arms and stomach
- no dinner
Sat, 9/3
- ran in morning
- chicken tenders and western fries for lunch
- 2 cheeseburgers, pigs in blanket, cheese pockets, chips and salsa, - all at a cookout/bday party
Sun, 9/4
- ran 2.9 miles
- worked out chest and stomach
- beers and a cheesesteak
- slice of pizza
Mon, 9/5
- small plate of pizza rolls for lunch
- ribs and baked beans(ribs made in crock pot all day)
Tue, 9/6
- no breakfast or lunch
- sun chips as a snack
- ran about 2.5 miles
- 3 slices of pizza for dinner
Wed, 9/7
- worked out chest
- no breakfast
- 2 slices of pizza for lunch
- bbq pulled chicken for dinner
Thur, 9/8
- ran 3 miles
- worked out
- bbq wings for lunch
- no breakfast or dinner
- cupcake and brownie for snack
Fri, 9/9
- no breakfast
- no lunch
- ran 3.2 miles
Sat, 9/10(I finally started eating real again it looks like this weekend)
- ran 3ish miles
- 1.5 pounds of pulled pork for late lunch/dinner
Sun, 9/11
- egg and cheese biscuit
- walked 2 miles
- Italian sausage
- veggies and dip
- chips and taco dip
- boneless buffalo bites and some meatballs from crock pot
Mon, 9/12
- ran for 30 minutes
- worked out arms and shoulder
- no break or lunch
- pork sandwhich with grilled pineapple and sauce and a side salad for dinner
Tue, 9/13
- no breakfast
- ran 1.2 miles
- worked out chest and tricepts
- ran 1.2 miles home from gym
- pork quesidilla for lunch

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

is single the new diet?

Recently two of my friends who were never out of shape, but were never in real great shape, have both gotten super jacked and super in shape. I was joking with one of them and asking if they were on steroids, and his exact response was
" Not on steroids, we are both recently single"

That made me realize that it is not being single for a long time that makes you get in shape, it is that initial break up and becoming single that pushes you and motivates you to get back into the gym. It makes sense since I know a lot of people that once they are happy in their relationship they slowly stop working out, stop caring about a diet etc, and they are just happy with their life and they do not feel the need to work out.

I view it differently, I always want to stay in shape( or at least try) not only for me but for who ever I am dating. If I run and work out when I am single and when I start dating someone, they probably like that about me. I do not want to get fat and lazy, I want to stay in shape etc so the person I am with is still attracted to me etc.

I do get that a lot of couples work out together or run together or diet, but for the most part, people that are single, esp. recently single tend to workout the hardest and diet the most etc.

Brad's Wedding Speech

I have known Brad for close to 20 years and even though it is the cliche' thing to say, I have never seen him this happy. I have known Kerri pretty much since I graduated college and started playing kickball with her, and as much I would like to pretend to be younger, we all know that, that was several years ago and in turn, I have known Kerri for a while also.

I will skip all the mushy stuff and just focus on one event. We were all in Boston for a vacation and we were out to lunch and Brad got a call on his cell phone from Kerri's father. He looked at his phone and looked at all of us, and none of us knew what was going on. Brad had this look of panic and being frightened and shocked all at the same time. He could only think that if Mr. Sullivan was calling him, nothing good could be coming from this call. He went outside and took the call. We were all sitting there coming up with all types of reasons( none of which were remotely possible) why he would be calling.

Brad came back in and his look had gone from frightened and nervous to happy and excited still with a little bit of shock to it. He then preceded to tell us the story of the call and about the diamond and what Mr. Sullivan's plan was for the engagement ring etc..From that moment on, it was on, as the kids like to say.

Every time you are around Brad and Kerri, you just smile, because you can look at them and see how happy they are and how not only are they truly in love, but how truly happy they are to just be around each other.

At the end of the day, all anyone is looking for is to be able to fall in love with their best friend and be able to spend the rest of their life with the person they love and care about the most, and it is obvious that they have found that. Brad and Kerri both have great loving families and great loving friends, and as part of that group of friends, I would just like to say that we are all so happy for both of you and deep down we are all jealous and we all hope to have the love and closeness that you two do in our own life....

new job, new start

I started this job back in July and I am now getting around to finally doing this write-up about it. I took this job mainly as a change in my life. It seems as if this job is not exactly what I want in my life and that makes me question why I took it.

The problem therein lies with am I not happy here because of the specific job or am I just not happy in general and it doesn't matter what job I am at. It is a stable job and good money etc, yet I find reasons not to be happy with it. I am not sure why I do this to myself, but that is another issue I am working on fixing. At the end of the day, I need to stop complaining about the negative aspects of this job and focus on the positive ones and continue to do well.

I wrote this and never published and as now, as of today, I no longer work for this company. it is for the better, I was not happy, and nothing in my life has gone well since I have been at this job. I needed to get out and I needed a change, and now is my time to start over and to truly start to be happy.