Am I too forgiving, too nice, or finally just growing up and trying to be mature about things. This is a letter that was written last night to my ex wife that cheated on me before and after the wedding....
I bet you see that subject line, and you can only imagine what stupid, mundane thing is going to come out of my mouth next, and you are 100% correct in thinking that. You may also be thinking, is this going to be a smart ass or mean email, since he has said all along that I am at fault for everything and that he has nothing to apologize for. I have said those things, and yes you do have a lot to apologize for, but the difference between you and me and is that you have at least tried(be it real or fake) to go out of you way to apologize to me and to let me know what you did wrong, whereas I have taken a different path and never apologized for anything, and I guess some recent events in my life have shown me the way I need to start leading and start living my life, and one of those things is to apologize to you.
I am not really sure where to begin, so I am just going to go in chronological order the best I can remember. This is in no way, any order of what I am more or less sorry for, its just a way for me to try to make sure I get out most of the apologizing and most of what I am trying to say.
The actual thing you did may have been the thing that ended our marriage, but we both know that through out all the good times there were things I did wrong and stuff like that and it's that type of stuff that builds and builds inside someone, and I am not condoning what you did, but I know I was not perfect, and I know that I am as much to blame for what happened as you are. I know I have already told you that, I guess the apology part of it, is that I am sorry more people( my friends, your friends, family, etc...) don't totally see it that way. I know you don't really care how or what people think about you, but it was still wrong for me not to stick up for you when people would be like, I cant believe that happened and stuff like that. I am sorry people rushed to judgement and never took the time to truly care enough to ask what happened and why it happened and all that stuff. I am also sorry for not totally understanding or admitting to understanding what you must have been going through the month and months before the wedding.
This was the most celebrated wedding that me, you, or any of our friends have ever been a part of. We had numerous dinner, parties, presents, etc... Every person that has ever heard of us was talking about this wedding and depe down we both knew that. I have always said if you called it off early it would have bene better, but knowing how much build up there was for it, I understand why you didnt call it off, and why you were nervous to tell your family about it. I am sorry I was not there more to talk to you about stuff and to try to work things out.
I am sorry for everything I put you through last fall and winter. Obviously the end of last summer and early into the fall we were in counseling and then we were still talking and things were just very up and down, but between my calls and emails and letters and all that random little stuff I would do just to get under your skin. All of that was totally not needed. I guess it was my way of putting up some sort of defense shield or something like that so i couldn't get hurt anymore. In retrospect I was very wrong to do all of that, and even though you did some things that either got me very mad or just confused the hell out of me( calling me when you were drunk late night, asking to hang out, wanting our dogs to play together, etc...) I was still way out of line and I acted like a little kid, while you were acting like a grown women. At the time, I knew I was acting dumb and stupid, so I would try to do little things to help you out and to let you know that I am not this stupid awful little kid( moved all your stuff over, gave you most everything you wanted from the house, got you a Christmas present,etc), but in the end it was still just me being me, and acting dumb and irresponsible and I am sorry for that. I had never been hurt or lied to like that by anyone in my life, and I guess it just took me way longer then I thought it would to get through the hurt and the pain. either way, it was my battle within myself that I had to fight, and being mean to you and bringing you into it was not the right thing to do.
Around Christmas we argued about the Christmas party and the guest list to that party. I am not sorry for having the party, bc that is something I needed to do to help myself move on a little and for the first time show myself that it was just me in the house, and this was still not our house. I am sorry for the way I handled inviting some of your friends, and mainly Maddie and Travis. For some reason, at the time, I honestly didn't see anything wrong with it, bc I still felt close to them. I have now realized that the way I handled things with your direct and indirect(cousins) family was not the best way. I have now come to the point now where when Maddie texts me about what me and my friends are doing(she still does every once in a while when she decides she wants brad again) I just ignore it and delete it, bc even though your family is great, they are YOUR family, and it is wrong and rude of me to keep trying to push myself on them, which is what I was doing at the time. Again, I am sorry for that whole party and the way I handled everything from the invites to asking you to make something for it(maybe the dumbest thing i have ever done)
Earlier this year, for some reason I decided that being mean to you and saying mean things to you was going to be the way to handle myself. For some reason, unlike you, I was not able to stay grown up and mature about things, and found myself acting like a little kid again, so I started lashing out at you and just overall being very mean to you, until I forced you to finally say, we shouldn't talk unless its about money(that had been about the 5th time, but this time you were serious) and actually stick to it. I am sorry for the way everything is going with the divorce. I know Margaret can be a bitch, and I talked to her about the present letter and told her she should have never sent it(sorry I forgot to email you back and tell you I talked to her). i am sorry that my childish behavior has made it so we have had to go to my lawyer and your lawyer sending each other papers, instead of us just dealing with things. I am sorry my friends(you know who) took it upon themselves to be so mean to you. I understand why they did it(thinking they were sticking up for me in a weird way), but I don't condone it, I yelled at them every time, and since I found out what they were really saying, I talked to them again and made sure they will never ever do that.
In the end, I am just sorry for the overall way I have acted over the last year and a half, and even before that. throughout this whole process, no matter what you have been going through in your life, you have found a way to still be mature about this and found a way to never yell or get mad at me. I am not sure what the future holds for us ever talking or really seeing each other again. I am pretty sure, once I go and sign these papers this week, the divorce is final and then we just have to figure out money.
For some reason I told you if you pay for the papers, then we are even, and since I told you that, i will stick to that. You are still paying my car and medical insurance which is 118 a month, and I am paying gym(27) and cell(around 50) each month, so we have to figure something out with that.
Again, I am sorry for everything. I wish you and your family all the best in the world. Let me know if you need anything for me, paper, bill, or money wise.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
what the hell is wrong with me?
I guess this is something that had been brewing inside of me for a while now, and something just all clicked yesterday morning when I woke up. This whole week has been weird with me officially calling things off with Brandi to telling other people I really care about that I don't care about them(obviously a lie) and pretty much just realizing that my life has become a joke and a disgrace, and this whole time I had been blaming other people, when all along I was the only one to blame, and it was time for things to change.
Friday night, I went to my parents house watched blades of glory and just sat to myself thinking about alot of stuff. Saturday I ended up at brew at the zoo with my kickball team which was fun, but still, the whole time this overlying sadness and depression was hanging over me, and if couldn't have fun there, I knew I was in some trouble. I ended up going out with tj and his roomates on sat night, and we end up at rielighs, where i probably knew 80% of that bar, everyone was drunk, girls were hitting on me, people were dancing,etc., and still I found myself turning down shots, not being happy, and I end up walking home and going to bed early still with this overlying funk and depression hanging over me(which never happens during VT and Ravens football season).
Then I wake up on Sunday morning, and something comes over me that all these thoughts of death and escaping and all that kind of came together and for some reason, I told myself, if I cant have fun today, then I mine as well just kill myself. I know that seems drastic, but there is so much going on in my head, that no email can describe it. I woke up early, showered and headed out the door, making sure that I talk at least one time to every friend I have, just in case I do die today, that at least I would have talked to most people. i walk down to mothers to meet the mead clan who is having brunch with joy's family. During the walk down, I call and/or text most of my friends from tech about the weekend and how good we are at football and how i miss them. After mothers, I go to mad river, where I am one of 10 people in the whole place, and I just sit at the bar, get an order of wings, a beer and start to think about my day. this was about at 1130-1145 am, joy was driving her parents back to the hotel, and mead went home to poop. eventually people show up at mad river, and next thing I know, the whole crew I was with sat night is with me at the bar(all of tj's roomates and there boys, who are now boys with me) and we are just drinking. Then mead and amanda show up and eventually around 3 pm, tj and chris show up. Mead decides to go to RUB to watch the game, and I end up at mad river with tj, all those guys, and this girl katie who really wanted to watch the game with us. Everyone else(Keller, becca, chris, etc..) is at RUB, we agree to meet at the patio afterwards. This whole time I am in a great mood, talking to everyone, going out of my way to be nice and make sure to talk to everyone at least once, knowing how sad and depressed I was on the inside. I am in every conversation and going out of my way to make sure that I am talking to every person I see that I know, so that if this is the last time they ever see me, they wont have a horrible feeling of me.
Fast forward....I end up at the patio after the game, and every person I know is there, that girl katie and her friends are trying to hang out, tj, rathebe, mead, etc.. are all there, all of lauers roomates start a fight, that we win and its fun, everyone is having a good time, yet all I can think about is how sad and depressed I am even though the ravens found a way to win, so I go inside to say hi to you, since my attempts at texting were not returned, and I figured of all the people I didn't get to say bye to, you were the one that mattered the most, but I didn't see you, so I just went home. I stopped at no idea, did 3 shots, left, came home and laid in my bed. Im drinking a bottle of booze from the house and Alvin comes in, talks to me for like 15 min(he is a boring person to talk to, but very nice) and then he leaves. Next thing I know I decide, this is it, I don't need a note, all of my old notes that will be found will suffice, I left everyone on a good note, so I decide to just take everything I can get my hands on. I took all the liquid pain medication I had left, mixed with liquor, the rest of my bottle of sleeping pills, and 4 other pills that I have no idea what they are, but I take them. Everything after that is a blur. I guess at some point I either woke up or tried to, bc this morning I looked at my phone, and I had tried to call, chris, brad, tj, and brandon, all who didn't answer, and then tj called me back and I talked to him(according to my phone), but I have no recollection of any of that.
Eventually I wake up this morning(even now, after seeing a movie by myself, I am still pretty out of it) and I am alive, very very sleepy and confused, but alive. You would think I would be happy about that, but for some reason, I was not filled with overwhelming joy, I was filled more with confusion and sadness. Did I want to die?why was I not happy i was alive?should i just be a man and drive my car into the wall?would anyone actually realize if I was dead? That is all I could think about and all I can still think about. I can't really put a finger on why it happened or how it happened, but it was something that felt so right. This last 4-5 weeks have been a depression like something I have never felt in my life. I have been through a lot in my life and felt a lot of pain in my life, but this sort of depression is eating at me every day.
Friday night, I went to my parents house watched blades of glory and just sat to myself thinking about alot of stuff. Saturday I ended up at brew at the zoo with my kickball team which was fun, but still, the whole time this overlying sadness and depression was hanging over me, and if couldn't have fun there, I knew I was in some trouble. I ended up going out with tj and his roomates on sat night, and we end up at rielighs, where i probably knew 80% of that bar, everyone was drunk, girls were hitting on me, people were dancing,etc., and still I found myself turning down shots, not being happy, and I end up walking home and going to bed early still with this overlying funk and depression hanging over me(which never happens during VT and Ravens football season).
Then I wake up on Sunday morning, and something comes over me that all these thoughts of death and escaping and all that kind of came together and for some reason, I told myself, if I cant have fun today, then I mine as well just kill myself. I know that seems drastic, but there is so much going on in my head, that no email can describe it. I woke up early, showered and headed out the door, making sure that I talk at least one time to every friend I have, just in case I do die today, that at least I would have talked to most people. i walk down to mothers to meet the mead clan who is having brunch with joy's family. During the walk down, I call and/or text most of my friends from tech about the weekend and how good we are at football and how i miss them. After mothers, I go to mad river, where I am one of 10 people in the whole place, and I just sit at the bar, get an order of wings, a beer and start to think about my day. this was about at 1130-1145 am, joy was driving her parents back to the hotel, and mead went home to poop. eventually people show up at mad river, and next thing I know, the whole crew I was with sat night is with me at the bar(all of tj's roomates and there boys, who are now boys with me) and we are just drinking. Then mead and amanda show up and eventually around 3 pm, tj and chris show up. Mead decides to go to RUB to watch the game, and I end up at mad river with tj, all those guys, and this girl katie who really wanted to watch the game with us. Everyone else(Keller, becca, chris, etc..) is at RUB, we agree to meet at the patio afterwards. This whole time I am in a great mood, talking to everyone, going out of my way to be nice and make sure to talk to everyone at least once, knowing how sad and depressed I was on the inside. I am in every conversation and going out of my way to make sure that I am talking to every person I see that I know, so that if this is the last time they ever see me, they wont have a horrible feeling of me.
Fast forward....I end up at the patio after the game, and every person I know is there, that girl katie and her friends are trying to hang out, tj, rathebe, mead, etc.. are all there, all of lauers roomates start a fight, that we win and its fun, everyone is having a good time, yet all I can think about is how sad and depressed I am even though the ravens found a way to win, so I go inside to say hi to you, since my attempts at texting were not returned, and I figured of all the people I didn't get to say bye to, you were the one that mattered the most, but I didn't see you, so I just went home. I stopped at no idea, did 3 shots, left, came home and laid in my bed. Im drinking a bottle of booze from the house and Alvin comes in, talks to me for like 15 min(he is a boring person to talk to, but very nice) and then he leaves. Next thing I know I decide, this is it, I don't need a note, all of my old notes that will be found will suffice, I left everyone on a good note, so I decide to just take everything I can get my hands on. I took all the liquid pain medication I had left, mixed with liquor, the rest of my bottle of sleeping pills, and 4 other pills that I have no idea what they are, but I take them. Everything after that is a blur. I guess at some point I either woke up or tried to, bc this morning I looked at my phone, and I had tried to call, chris, brad, tj, and brandon, all who didn't answer, and then tj called me back and I talked to him(according to my phone), but I have no recollection of any of that.
Eventually I wake up this morning(even now, after seeing a movie by myself, I am still pretty out of it) and I am alive, very very sleepy and confused, but alive. You would think I would be happy about that, but for some reason, I was not filled with overwhelming joy, I was filled more with confusion and sadness. Did I want to die?why was I not happy i was alive?should i just be a man and drive my car into the wall?would anyone actually realize if I was dead? That is all I could think about and all I can still think about. I can't really put a finger on why it happened or how it happened, but it was something that felt so right. This last 4-5 weeks have been a depression like something I have never felt in my life. I have been through a lot in my life and felt a lot of pain in my life, but this sort of depression is eating at me every day.
Monday, September 3, 2007
My Jobs
My life has been an up and down roller coaster ride, and one aspect of that is my job history. My resume that employers see is 60% Truth, 30% embelishment, 10%lies......My real job history and why I left looks like this...
Starts at age 14
Boardwalk Fries- worked 1 day and then quit, it was my first job, and I was to young to be mopping floors and deep frying crap
edy's Ice Cream- liked it there, gave away a ton of free ice cream to any person I know, brandon got fired, so I quit
Towson Commons- got a job there once Mead started working there. It was a great job, and then we( about 10 of us) ran some huge scam on food and tickets, until we all got busted and fired
Charred Rib- worked there for about 2 months, then got fired for buying and dirnking liquor from the bar, I was only 16
Mamma Ilaridos- got a job there with Brandon, Chip, and Lynch. Eventually everyone left, and i was bored there, and my manager had tought me the ways of selling pot, so I cussed out the owner and quit.
(Drug Dealer)- It all started my senior year of high school......
Peirces Pavilion- worked here the summer before going away to school, started as a valet parker, within 3 weeks I was manager of all valet parking, so I hired my friends, and we would take money and credit cards from cards, and then spend the money on booze and gas for all of our friends
During College:
Provident Bank- interned here after freshman year. I did no work, and instead ate lunch with my friends downtown every day, and perfected my minesweeper and freecell game
(Drug Dealer)- it was easy to do, and the money was great
RA- went back to school sophmore year and was a RA for a semester. I was the best RA, I let them get away with a little bit to much, but just like normal, I wanted everyone to like me, so I bent the rules. i was sick of it, so I quit and moved off campus 2nd semester
Gumby's- Worked here 2nd semester spoh year, where I would give free pizza to all my friends, Quit and end of school year, just didnt want to do it anymore.
In Boston, in between junior and senior year of college
Joe's Bar and Grill- Worked here with Hall and my 2 roomates( melanie and heather) i was a waiter and we made a ton ofmoney and did a ton of drugs, and when I knew I was getting ready to go back to school, I cussed out everyone in the restaurant that had pissed me off( half baked style) and then left.
After Graduating College:
Madison Marketing- 1st job out of college, got promoted after a month, job then sucked, and I wanted to party with my friends, so I quit and just sold pot and drank every night.
Mondo Bondo- was a bar/restaurant at power plant. I gave away thousands and thousands of dollars worth of booze to all my friends since I was the waiter and bartender on staff. eventually, I took a phone call during my shift, my manger told me to get off my cell, I had taken thatplace for way too much money and given away too much stuff( every thur, fri, and sat, I would take 2-400 bucks off the regester and give away cases of miller lites to my friends) that I told him to fuck off, and just walked out and quit
Savings First Mortgage- got into the mortgage business and this place was ok, but it got old after a while, and i was makingmoney sellingpot and being a bookie, and I hated working, so I quit. This is the job where "business lunches" started with Chip and i would be gone for 2+ hours
Greentree Mortgage- my uncles mortgage company, I worked there until I got sick of it, then I quit. This is where it all went downhill, since eveyrone in that office was a bookie or a poker player or a pot smoker, and that is all we did all day every day
Corestar Mortgage- met some great people here, and I worked my ass off the first 2 months, got promoted, then eveyrone just let me do what I wanted, and I eventually got bored and quit
HR Block Mortgage- I was at this job for close to 2 years. I made a ton of money here and I actually loved it, but over the country they were shutting branches down, and I did not want to be at mine when they did, so I quit, and then 2 months later the branch got shut downand moved to tampa. If that was not going to happen, i would still be there.
Residential Home Loans- this was the farthest thing from a job. yes, I was technically a sales manager, but all we did all day eveyr day was order food, play online poker, look up girls on craig's list and order them to other mortgage companies, play real poker, and order around the other employess to do their job. eventually I wont 13K in a poker tourney, and got bored with my job, so I quit...
Citizens Lending Group- great company,great owner, but over time it just dragged me down, and I realized that I did nto want to be doing this anymore. even a month after I have left, I am still helping out here and there since I was a sales manager and I had a ton of responsibility, but for the most part I am done there.
I am now 100% done the mortgage industry. It is time to start a new chapter in my life. I love everything to do with sales and marketing and that is what I went to school for, so now the search is on. I can only hope, that I will not have to update this list for a long, long time....
Starts at age 14
Boardwalk Fries- worked 1 day and then quit, it was my first job, and I was to young to be mopping floors and deep frying crap
edy's Ice Cream- liked it there, gave away a ton of free ice cream to any person I know, brandon got fired, so I quit
Towson Commons- got a job there once Mead started working there. It was a great job, and then we( about 10 of us) ran some huge scam on food and tickets, until we all got busted and fired
Charred Rib- worked there for about 2 months, then got fired for buying and dirnking liquor from the bar, I was only 16
Mamma Ilaridos- got a job there with Brandon, Chip, and Lynch. Eventually everyone left, and i was bored there, and my manager had tought me the ways of selling pot, so I cussed out the owner and quit.
(Drug Dealer)- It all started my senior year of high school......
Peirces Pavilion- worked here the summer before going away to school, started as a valet parker, within 3 weeks I was manager of all valet parking, so I hired my friends, and we would take money and credit cards from cards, and then spend the money on booze and gas for all of our friends
During College:
Provident Bank- interned here after freshman year. I did no work, and instead ate lunch with my friends downtown every day, and perfected my minesweeper and freecell game
(Drug Dealer)- it was easy to do, and the money was great
RA- went back to school sophmore year and was a RA for a semester. I was the best RA, I let them get away with a little bit to much, but just like normal, I wanted everyone to like me, so I bent the rules. i was sick of it, so I quit and moved off campus 2nd semester
Gumby's- Worked here 2nd semester spoh year, where I would give free pizza to all my friends, Quit and end of school year, just didnt want to do it anymore.
In Boston, in between junior and senior year of college
Joe's Bar and Grill- Worked here with Hall and my 2 roomates( melanie and heather) i was a waiter and we made a ton ofmoney and did a ton of drugs, and when I knew I was getting ready to go back to school, I cussed out everyone in the restaurant that had pissed me off( half baked style) and then left.
After Graduating College:
Madison Marketing- 1st job out of college, got promoted after a month, job then sucked, and I wanted to party with my friends, so I quit and just sold pot and drank every night.
Mondo Bondo- was a bar/restaurant at power plant. I gave away thousands and thousands of dollars worth of booze to all my friends since I was the waiter and bartender on staff. eventually, I took a phone call during my shift, my manger told me to get off my cell, I had taken thatplace for way too much money and given away too much stuff( every thur, fri, and sat, I would take 2-400 bucks off the regester and give away cases of miller lites to my friends) that I told him to fuck off, and just walked out and quit
Savings First Mortgage- got into the mortgage business and this place was ok, but it got old after a while, and i was makingmoney sellingpot and being a bookie, and I hated working, so I quit. This is the job where "business lunches" started with Chip and i would be gone for 2+ hours
Greentree Mortgage- my uncles mortgage company, I worked there until I got sick of it, then I quit. This is where it all went downhill, since eveyrone in that office was a bookie or a poker player or a pot smoker, and that is all we did all day every day
Corestar Mortgage- met some great people here, and I worked my ass off the first 2 months, got promoted, then eveyrone just let me do what I wanted, and I eventually got bored and quit
HR Block Mortgage- I was at this job for close to 2 years. I made a ton of money here and I actually loved it, but over the country they were shutting branches down, and I did not want to be at mine when they did, so I quit, and then 2 months later the branch got shut downand moved to tampa. If that was not going to happen, i would still be there.
Residential Home Loans- this was the farthest thing from a job. yes, I was technically a sales manager, but all we did all day eveyr day was order food, play online poker, look up girls on craig's list and order them to other mortgage companies, play real poker, and order around the other employess to do their job. eventually I wont 13K in a poker tourney, and got bored with my job, so I quit...
Citizens Lending Group- great company,great owner, but over time it just dragged me down, and I realized that I did nto want to be doing this anymore. even a month after I have left, I am still helping out here and there since I was a sales manager and I had a ton of responsibility, but for the most part I am done there.
I am now 100% done the mortgage industry. It is time to start a new chapter in my life. I love everything to do with sales and marketing and that is what I went to school for, so now the search is on. I can only hope, that I will not have to update this list for a long, long time....
Why am I so afraid???
- I did not care about her the way I should have
- I threw her away not once, but numerous times
- she is the first person I think about when I wake up, and the last person I think about when I go to bed
- I want to be talking to her all day, every day
- I know my friends love her
- I know my family would love her
- Why am I so afraid to take a chance on love?
- I know she is my soul mate, and I am hers
- She loves everything I love
- She loves my dog
- She loves my friends
- She loves my sense of humor
- She loves me for me
- Why am I so afraid to take a chance on love?
- I know I should be with her
- She knows she should be with me
- she gets jealous of every girl I talk to, let alone hook up with
- I get jealous and concerned every time she is with another guy
- I freak out when I know she is out having fun, and I am not there to share that fun with her
- I find it impossible to think someone else besides me can make her happy, but I guess I have to realize there are tons of people that can
- Why am I so afraid to take a chance on love?
- I know now that I have ruined any shot I ever had
- Not being with her is something I will always regret
- Treating her like crap is something I should have never done
- That is why I get for being so afraid......
- I threw her away not once, but numerous times
- she is the first person I think about when I wake up, and the last person I think about when I go to bed
- I want to be talking to her all day, every day
- I know my friends love her
- I know my family would love her
- Why am I so afraid to take a chance on love?
- I know she is my soul mate, and I am hers
- She loves everything I love
- She loves my dog
- She loves my friends
- She loves my sense of humor
- She loves me for me
- Why am I so afraid to take a chance on love?
- I know I should be with her
- She knows she should be with me
- she gets jealous of every girl I talk to, let alone hook up with
- I get jealous and concerned every time she is with another guy
- I freak out when I know she is out having fun, and I am not there to share that fun with her
- I find it impossible to think someone else besides me can make her happy, but I guess I have to realize there are tons of people that can
- Why am I so afraid to take a chance on love?
- I know now that I have ruined any shot I ever had
- Not being with her is something I will always regret
- Treating her like crap is something I should have never done
- That is why I get for being so afraid......
Thoughts from labor day weekend
From the last 5 days I have learned a lot of things that I now think:
- passing out on the beach in from of a friends house in dewey is still acceptable at age 27
- my dad now shoots an 83-87 every round he plays of golf
- Owen Wilson is to me and Jim Morrison is to Jameson Hodges and Amy wine house is to Brandon
- you had your chance, you blew it, out of sight, out of mind......
- Bar Crawling OC is not that hard until you get to Seacrets, since they have 9 or 10 bars inside of one, and each one has to count on the crawl
- reese witherspoon is too famous to be in a relationship
- Matt lauer won me a good amount of money with Wyoming and TCU picks!!!
- lisa's wedding will be 5% less fun, since I will not be there
- Adam's wedding will be 20% more intense since Paul huber decided to go
- paul huber has a 3 week old son, that drinks rip fuel instead of baby formula
- go getta, we taking over, and YEAH, are all equivalent to audio red bull
- years of playing video games and Foosball have given me the hand eye coordination to throw a football into a trash can from 25 yards away 2 out of 3 tosses on the beach
- frank gore being hurt really really hurts my fantasy team
- Melissa meadows is the #1 example of why looks should not be the only determinant in liking someone
- App. State, ECU, Hawaii, and VT all gained recruits after Saturday
- Michigan, Ok. State, Col. State all lost recruits
- Derek will be in town for 7 nights( sept. 5th-12th) and will go out in towson 6 of those nights
- Green Turtle in OC is just like Green Turtle in Towson, which is just like the Turtle in Fells
-- If you can't be 100% honest to yourself, you are hurting yourself way more then you are anyone else around you
- all couples should get marriage counseling Before they get married
- Eddie Murphy is the #1 funniest alum from SNL, and the #2-7 arguments should have the following people in it, depeding on what your criteria( how funny they were on the show, how there career went afterwards, stand up, writing, acting,etc...) is( chevy chase, akroyd, belushi, mike myers, dana carvey, chris rock, will ferrel, chris farley, adam sandler, david spade, kevin nealond, phil hartman, tina fey)
- The 4 teams that will make the playoffs from the American League are...Red Sox, Tigers, Angels, and mariners who will win the wild card by 2 games over Clevland and Yankees
- javon walker will have the highest numbers of his career this year in yards and receptions, but not in touchdowns
- Cal, Florida, LSU, Hawaii, Texas Tech, Michigan, and Oklahoma will cover 75% of the overs this year as a whole for all the games they play
- Out of 80 regular season games.... The Saints, Bengals, Rams, Bills, and Seahawks will cover the over at least 60 times.
- Denver and the J-E-T-S will win the 2 wild card spots in the AFC
- Everyone should give mead the money for his fantasy league before the season starts
It is time to start a new chapter in my book of life.....
- passing out on the beach in from of a friends house in dewey is still acceptable at age 27
- my dad now shoots an 83-87 every round he plays of golf
- Owen Wilson is to me and Jim Morrison is to Jameson Hodges and Amy wine house is to Brandon
- you had your chance, you blew it, out of sight, out of mind......
- Bar Crawling OC is not that hard until you get to Seacrets, since they have 9 or 10 bars inside of one, and each one has to count on the crawl
- reese witherspoon is too famous to be in a relationship
- Matt lauer won me a good amount of money with Wyoming and TCU picks!!!
- lisa's wedding will be 5% less fun, since I will not be there
- Adam's wedding will be 20% more intense since Paul huber decided to go
- paul huber has a 3 week old son, that drinks rip fuel instead of baby formula
- go getta, we taking over, and YEAH, are all equivalent to audio red bull
- years of playing video games and Foosball have given me the hand eye coordination to throw a football into a trash can from 25 yards away 2 out of 3 tosses on the beach
- frank gore being hurt really really hurts my fantasy team
- Melissa meadows is the #1 example of why looks should not be the only determinant in liking someone
- App. State, ECU, Hawaii, and VT all gained recruits after Saturday
- Michigan, Ok. State, Col. State all lost recruits
- Derek will be in town for 7 nights( sept. 5th-12th) and will go out in towson 6 of those nights
- Green Turtle in OC is just like Green Turtle in Towson, which is just like the Turtle in Fells
-- If you can't be 100% honest to yourself, you are hurting yourself way more then you are anyone else around you
- all couples should get marriage counseling Before they get married
- Eddie Murphy is the #1 funniest alum from SNL, and the #2-7 arguments should have the following people in it, depeding on what your criteria( how funny they were on the show, how there career went afterwards, stand up, writing, acting,etc...) is( chevy chase, akroyd, belushi, mike myers, dana carvey, chris rock, will ferrel, chris farley, adam sandler, david spade, kevin nealond, phil hartman, tina fey)
- The 4 teams that will make the playoffs from the American League are...Red Sox, Tigers, Angels, and mariners who will win the wild card by 2 games over Clevland and Yankees
- javon walker will have the highest numbers of his career this year in yards and receptions, but not in touchdowns
- Cal, Florida, LSU, Hawaii, Texas Tech, Michigan, and Oklahoma will cover 75% of the overs this year as a whole for all the games they play
- Out of 80 regular season games.... The Saints, Bengals, Rams, Bills, and Seahawks will cover the over at least 60 times.
- Denver and the J-E-T-S will win the 2 wild card spots in the AFC
- Everyone should give mead the money for his fantasy league before the season starts
It is time to start a new chapter in my book of life.....
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Am I turning into Amie???
Am I being a total hypracit or am i just over evaluating everythign I do with my life, or am I just doing a combo of both.
I am dating a girl, I really like her, she has told me numerous times how much she likes me and how she is falling for me, and just like this, I am back in a relationship for the 4th time since I broke up with Amie.
I keep telling myself I do not want a relationship, because I am not ready for the commitment, yet I keep getting into them, and then ruining them. On the outside I appear to break these relationships due to me being scared, but with each one, I have either liked another girl during that, or at least been hooking up with someone else. Even right now, I am trying very hard to not do anything behind her back, and here I am flirting every time I am out in public, continously texting and calling other girls, having other girls come over, and most importantly, not telling anyone that I am in a relationship.
Last night, I found myself, watching fireworks under a lite rain storm, totally wrapped up with my girlfriend. It was a great time, and it showed me how much I do like her, but at the same time, there was a part of me that was wondering what some of these other girls were doing, and after my girlfriend left, all i could think of was how hard it was for me not to my other girl up and ask her to come over.
Everyone hates amie for what she did, and she deserves that, but i am doing the same thing??
I am dating a girl, I really like her, she has told me numerous times how much she likes me and how she is falling for me, and just like this, I am back in a relationship for the 4th time since I broke up with Amie.
I keep telling myself I do not want a relationship, because I am not ready for the commitment, yet I keep getting into them, and then ruining them. On the outside I appear to break these relationships due to me being scared, but with each one, I have either liked another girl during that, or at least been hooking up with someone else. Even right now, I am trying very hard to not do anything behind her back, and here I am flirting every time I am out in public, continously texting and calling other girls, having other girls come over, and most importantly, not telling anyone that I am in a relationship.
Last night, I found myself, watching fireworks under a lite rain storm, totally wrapped up with my girlfriend. It was a great time, and it showed me how much I do like her, but at the same time, there was a part of me that was wondering what some of these other girls were doing, and after my girlfriend left, all i could think of was how hard it was for me not to my other girl up and ask her to come over.
Everyone hates amie for what she did, and she deserves that, but i am doing the same thing??
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
is it possible to love someone and not be in love with that same person?
can you be a soul mate with someone, and yet not want to be with them?
is it ever possible to overcome not wanting someone physically and be with them mentally?
how do you tell a girl all of these things?
what is she already knows, but is just waiting for you to say them to her?
can you be a soul mate with someone, and yet not want to be with them?
is it ever possible to overcome not wanting someone physically and be with them mentally?
how do you tell a girl all of these things?
what is she already knows, but is just waiting for you to say them to her?
Will I ever be able to look at the 4th of July the same? One year and one day after my marriage, I find myself sprawled out in my bed, clothes thrown about my house, I dont know where my car is, I dont exactly know how I was able to drive home, and all I can do is lay in my bed, and think about what my life has become in the last year.
They say that paper is the gift to give on your one year anniversary while you are eating a piece of your wedding cake that you have had frozen for the last year. Unfortunetly for me, the only paper I had contact with yesterday was rolling paper used to smoke away my thoughts, and crumbled up recieprs from the bars where I tried to drink away my depression. How did this happen...where did this come from....when will I stop acting like this?
It would be easy of me to blame this all on my ex and say her cheating and lying and ruining of the marriage is to blame for all of this, but I know that is not the case. Of course, it did not help, but overall I just use that as an excuse and as a crutch to justify all the bad desicions I make with my life.
I can sit here and tell my self, that I do not want the next 365 days of my life to mirror the last 365, but it is up to me and only me to make that change.
They say that paper is the gift to give on your one year anniversary while you are eating a piece of your wedding cake that you have had frozen for the last year. Unfortunetly for me, the only paper I had contact with yesterday was rolling paper used to smoke away my thoughts, and crumbled up recieprs from the bars where I tried to drink away my depression. How did this happen...where did this come from....when will I stop acting like this?
It would be easy of me to blame this all on my ex and say her cheating and lying and ruining of the marriage is to blame for all of this, but I know that is not the case. Of course, it did not help, but overall I just use that as an excuse and as a crutch to justify all the bad desicions I make with my life.
I can sit here and tell my self, that I do not want the next 365 days of my life to mirror the last 365, but it is up to me and only me to make that change.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
I think
- the cavs will win 2 games at most, I don't care about regular season, to beat the spurs more then 2 games, lebron needs to avg. 38/15/11 each night with a TON of support
- the Orioles will make a move for texiera very very soon
- If culpepper goes to jacksonsville, it is a bad fit, they already have leftwich and gerrad, why culpepper??
- Sarah Silverman making Paris Hilton break down and cry at the mtv movies awards was priceless
- Arod will be an angel next year
- Peavy and Sabathia will win their respective cy young awards in their leagues
- Pujols will end up with 50 Hr's
- Fred is way more worthless then chip and rudy put together
- Tony will be one of the few left alive on sunday
- doing mediallian in spanish will not hurt Vince's career, but will help him draw in a whole new fan base
- having a serious bf/gf at this age if you dont plan on marrying them is just plain stupid
- The only girls that do coke are strippers and whores
- marijuana should be decriminalized
- those days where everyone boycotts not to buy gas are just stupid, because all those people that needed gas, are just going to go the next day to get it anyway
- The Orioles will not make the playoffs for at least 10 more years, even with the wild card, there are to many other better teams in the AL, and our farm system is not what it used to be
- San Diego is a better city then Vegas
- No one I am ever friends with will be able to hold a polictical office due to all the pictures we have of each other over the last 15 years
- American Idol will never go off the air as long as every year the record company is selling 20 million cd's off of the final 5 left.
- the Orioles will make a move for texiera very very soon
- If culpepper goes to jacksonsville, it is a bad fit, they already have leftwich and gerrad, why culpepper??
- Sarah Silverman making Paris Hilton break down and cry at the mtv movies awards was priceless
- Arod will be an angel next year
- Peavy and Sabathia will win their respective cy young awards in their leagues
- Pujols will end up with 50 Hr's
- Fred is way more worthless then chip and rudy put together
- Tony will be one of the few left alive on sunday
- doing mediallian in spanish will not hurt Vince's career, but will help him draw in a whole new fan base
- having a serious bf/gf at this age if you dont plan on marrying them is just plain stupid
- The only girls that do coke are strippers and whores
- marijuana should be decriminalized
- those days where everyone boycotts not to buy gas are just stupid, because all those people that needed gas, are just going to go the next day to get it anyway
- The Orioles will not make the playoffs for at least 10 more years, even with the wild card, there are to many other better teams in the AL, and our farm system is not what it used to be
- San Diego is a better city then Vegas
- No one I am ever friends with will be able to hold a polictical office due to all the pictures we have of each other over the last 15 years
- American Idol will never go off the air as long as every year the record company is selling 20 million cd's off of the final 5 left.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
every person has lingering questions and thoughts in their head, but for me, it seems like it is these same questions the force me to get up and go through my day are the same questions that make it so i cant sleep and get depressed. It is amazing to me how so many thoughts can be in my head at one time, and when those thoughts choose to come out and when they choose to hide....
Will I ever find true love again?
If I find that love, will I be able to accept it?
Will my friends every truly respect me?
Will I ever truly respect myself?
Why have i never fully grieved for when my mom died?
Why does Amie act like having an affair against me is not a big deal at all?
Why can I not tell people how I really feel about them?
Do people really like me, or are theu just either feeling pity for me or using me for something?
Will I ever move out of towson?
Will I ever stop smoking pot?
Could I go a month without drinking?
Do I really like myself, or am i just getting by?
Why do I blow money when I know I should be saving?
Those are just some of the questions that just will not leave my head!!!!!!
Will I ever find true love again?
If I find that love, will I be able to accept it?
Will my friends every truly respect me?
Will I ever truly respect myself?
Why have i never fully grieved for when my mom died?
Why does Amie act like having an affair against me is not a big deal at all?
Why can I not tell people how I really feel about them?
Do people really like me, or are theu just either feeling pity for me or using me for something?
Will I ever move out of towson?
Will I ever stop smoking pot?
Could I go a month without drinking?
Do I really like myself, or am i just getting by?
Why do I blow money when I know I should be saving?
Those are just some of the questions that just will not leave my head!!!!!!
1st post
I have always wanted to post blogs, and was always to lazy/scared/embarassed, etc....
anyway, it seems this is a great way to get out most of my feelings and emotions and not have to actually tell them to someone to there face.
anyway, it seems this is a great way to get out most of my feelings and emotions and not have to actually tell them to someone to there face.
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